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Everything posted by Nuski

  1. When you leave for the Navy, be sure to stop by and say hello to our good friends at the Mushroom cartel. Don't forget an SDAR and wet suit!
  2. https://gyazo.com/231fcaaf9edc5b55d7caa72403b61cab

    Thanks for getting rid of this RDMer @McDili. Together, we can get 1 step closer to getting rid of the plague know as "RDM"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rusty


      How is that rdm if your near moonshine cartel. hello

    3. Brennan


      Not taking the time to type that into my browser, just going off what you said in the request...

    4. Nuski


      Did you guys watch the video?? ^


  3. 10 Tempest Devices doing Mushroom at 5am
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Surround-Headphones-Microphone/dp/B003VANOFY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470077884&sr=8-1&keywords=logitec+g930
  5. Had windows 10 since July of last year I love it havent had any problems with it. I would upgrade.
  6. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Leaked Footage From NASA Inside Source.
  7. When your doing a fed and the APD pulls out the ghostwhawk and noone can shoot out the gunner so you gotta improvise https://gyazo.com/09a2adadb32128a213568be8cbf53259
  8. Run diamond in a SUV. EZ 200k. Should take you less than 30mins to do.
  9. http://www.strawpoll.me/10804716/r

    67 yes as of right now. Can we get this legend unbanned??

    1. Produs
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      www.olympus-entertainment.com/support - new request - ban appeal. 

      Have him fill that out like EVERYONE else. I didn't know a strawpoll would get someone unbanned. Oh godz. Letz me goes aheadz and unbann him rights nowz.

      On a serious note. Ban appeal and nothing else.

    3. Nuski


      I didn't know either. Nor did I think it was going to.

  10. Nuski

    RDM ban

    "So, what made you become an addict" "I RDMed this kid on Arma and I was bored so I was like fuck this and shot up some heroin" 10/10
    1. Rusty


      strawpolls get people unbanned, has been confirmed before, so he will be unbanned

  11. 2am in the Centurion Teamspeak



    Its pretty lit tbh


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      All that was missing is a solo from Trimo

    3. Phizx


      He did a solo but we didn't get it recorded :(

    4. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      well that is extremely disappointing

  12. Kavala isn't Kavala without crime.
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