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Everything posted by Gidgit

  1. https://gyazo.com/62a6e057c71cbdc15c361c0661992921
  2. He should be perm'd. Now I know what I am doing when I get home from work. Seems like a good build. Personally I like the corsair h100I or the h110I over the nzxt coolers.
  3. What's on my mind. Hmm. Screw Ford trucks and their manifolds. That's what's on my mind

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deathtripper


      I'm a motorcycle/atv tech, i rage if i break one stud, let alone that many, i suck at extraction..... Seems common on autos.. I feel your pain..

  4. I do understand where you are coming from. And in a perfect situation you would be 100% correct. But if you actually lay out what his processor is vs what mine is. The Benchmarks are almost the same. Which is why i brought mine up. The differences are hardly noticeable to the average user. The reason i even said anything is because im comparing mine to it because of its age. The performance of my rig from when i build it to now has drastically dropped. Im looking at it in comparrision to what it is right now. Now if mine was a 3770k. I would not have said anything. But sadly it isnt. Mine is just a basic 3770. All im saying is there is so much more to take into consideration. Im not saying that you are wrong and i am right. Yes the 770 is better than the 760. But i went cheap and got 2gb vram. Still better. But nothing to brag about. We are getting off topic. In my opinion there is absolutely no reason why you can not pull them frames with that set up. Ive seen worse set ups run that with ease.
  5. I have a gtx 770 and a old I7 3770 and I run 80 with no issues. His processor is a lot newer and faster than mine. Absolutely no reason why he can't run 80 frames I know you are going to say well you have a I7. Yes true. But my processor I've been using for 5 years or so. Maybe a little less. Then point I'm making is it is old. I have a dinosaur of a set up and I am able to pull great frames with ease. I feel with his set up there is no reason why he can't. I think a fresh copy of windows will do him wonders
  6. I am using a set of Astro A40's. Best set ive ever had. Ive had them going on 2 years and they still work pretty amazing. Best 150 i ever spent on head phones
  7. Everyone knows my PC is not the top of the line. I just did a fresh win 10 install on a ssd. And than I optimized it for gaming. Best decision I've done this far in regards to PC gaming. My frames went from 60 on a fresh restart to about 110 and about peak time from 20-30 to 60-70. Dramatic increase. At night is when I see the lowest drop. That at worst is about 35ish. Needless to say over all I'm happy with it
  8. Just incase you guys needed a reminder :-) Have a nice day everyone

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gidgit


      Not hacked my friend. Just wishing everyone a happy Friday :)

    3. DeadPool


      you know she had to quit school from how much she was bullied form this video lol

    4. Gidgit


      never knew that. But its Friday. So its ok :-)


  9. Oh beautiful horses
  10. No. But. What breed horse do you have?
  11. Seems like a lot of troll questions
  12. Fishing for comments never gets you anywhere. This is how you will know you are liked or disliked. If you are liked. People will talk to you. If you are disliked. People will talk shit about you to your face and behind your back. Which happens more to you?
  13. https://gyazo.com/75f043a615e8056787c095fef59f5954
  14. I have 200 down. I'll do a speed test and submit it when I get home from work
  15. Your boy Gidgit just got that phatty promotion at work. No more fixing cars for me. Plus my salary got doubled. Hype 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. Natsirt


      So, now you're making $2 instead of 1? Congrats. Good luck dad

  16. I do agree
  17. its not really price on the mobo. im not sure what he has. but the cpu he has is a older cpu. so i am assuming the mobo is a older mobo also. like i said. my mobo is my bottle neck. it can not handle what my card can do. The only reason why i said he would be wasting money with the 1070 is because if he does have a older mobo. it will bottle neck the card preventing the card from preforming the way it was designed. He would not be getting his moneys worth. Which is why for his current build he has now i think the 970 is a better route until he decides to do a mobo and cpu upgrade. i only mentioned the 750 because i found a hell of a good deal on it. 50 bucks for a 750m. you cant beat that. i mean it is a reman. but it has a lifetime warrenty on it
  18. I Didnt mean in the aspect of the cpu. i ment more along the lines of the mobo. my mobo is my bottle neck. thats whats keeping me from running at peak performance. i only said that because if might be the only thing that would give him a issue depending on how old his mobo is. if it is infact to old. he wouldnt get his moneys worth. as silly as it sounds i can not run my gpu at its full potential because of my mobo. thats why i have to dumb it down the 1070 is a fantastic card. dont get me wrong. i would love to have one or two of them. my only concern would be like i said what mobo is he using and can it support the 1070 to its full potential
  19. well he wouldnt really need a new mobo unless he plans to upgrade his cpu. 400 watts should be enough for a 970. i dont remember. if not. power supplies are cheap enough now that it doesnt matter. i have a corsair mx750 sitting in a box i bought reman for 50 bucks. you can find good deals on them if need be. but with a 400 if thats what he has. that should be plenty to run a stock card on factory settings. if he chooses to oc. he might want something bigger
  20. the problem with that is cpu and motherboard. thats why i said what i said earlier. i have a video card on a outdated mobo with a outdated cpu. the 1070 would be best pairded with a skylake cpu or something of the sort. for what he is running now. it would be a complete waste of money. that and he would never fully utilize the 1070. that card is also more demanding on power than what he is using now. which reminds me. what size is your power source hunter
  21. a decent 970 will run you about 300ish plus tax and shipping. i would say save your pennies and get the card and ssd at the same time. you will notice the most performance that way. and like i said. the worst case senior you might have to adjust your clock settings. which when the time comes i can help you with that
  22. What are you able to spend. Or better yet what is the budget you are looking to stay with in
  23. This might help you a little. Right now my current set up is a I7 3770k paired with a asus gtx 770 direct cu 2 gpu with 8 gigs of ram. this set up would be similar to the set up you will be running with the 970. but a little newer. But the difference between processor to video card would be roughly the same. my gpu came factory oc. for my set up i had to completely declock my video card to get it to work properly with my cpu. with the factory settings i had major issues with artifacting while in game. although it does not really affect performance it is highly annoying to look at. So that is something to keep in mind. your cpu is a little older now i believe and the 970 is still a pretty good card. I believe if you have any issues at all this would be the only one. But it is a simple fix if you know how to oc/dc. if not im sure myself or anyone in here can help you. if it turns out that you have no issues and it works perfectly. You will absolutely love the gpu and the possibilities it will give you. My vote would be to go for it. any little bugs can be worked out when the time comes if need be. a nice ssd will also make a world of difference also i can almost promise you if you put a 1070 on your current set up, that you will never get the full potential of the card. you in a sense would be wasting money. for what you have right now a 970 would do you wonders. hell even a 770 would work out pretty amazing for you. i would shoot down the 1070 only based on the current set up you are running at the moment. Do a 970 with a nice SSD. a nice samsung evo 840 500g would work perfectly fine. get both of those. and you will have a fantastic setup
  24. Good thing my name is not spelled that way :-)
  25. 1 week since i last smoked a cigarette. I got this. Lets go for 2 weeks!!!!!
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