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  1. could we get a legit time frame?
  2. I’ve got one on Server #3 want it?
  3. How much and what server
  4. Putting a delay wouldn’t be effective. I’m assuming by delay you mean from the point of them seeing you at the house. If so then that would not be effective since they basically wait now anyways for you to leave at least this doesn’t fix any of the issues here imo. Doing it while someone is there present to defend is a really good compromise that has been suggested multiple times by now yet we see no official response. But even then it’s not good because the cops will just keep coming back and will inevitably win and raid your house. A good way to fix this would be a limited # of waves to a house raid. For example after 3 waves then the house can no longer be raided but you can still capture the individual. The reason there needs to be a way for civilians to win is because if they’re skilled enough to stop a certain number of cop waves then they should be rewarded for it. In this case it’s the cops no longer can raid his house but can still keep going and capture him. @Pledge thoughts? @hawk @Outcast
  5. As long as police fight R&R I'll be happy
  6. Why are you attacking him on a personal level? People like you are what cause problems, no one ever mentioned anything about someone's life until you decided to say this. So let me put it this way. Shut the fuck up. We are trying to get something productive done here and you attacking people such as @Panda :) on a personal level does not advance this argument for our side by anything it only deteriorates it. It paints us out to be people who can't offer anything else to say except hey you're a no life. When that does not represent the people of our side who are wanting this change. It may represent some such as yourself, but certainly not the majority so please if you want us to try to make things better for civilians you need to begin watching how you act towards people publicly on the forums. (during an argument) I think the most ironic thing in this post is when you said "...he's too immature...", yet you are clearly the immature one here. You are going after him as a person by saying he has no life and being a Corporal is his biggest achievement in life. When someone such as yourself can't think of anything else to say except stuff such as "no life", "biggest achievement in life up to now", "literal child", "privileged his life", "attacking the biggest thing in his life", "too immature", that makes you seem immature because you clearly can't handle accepting that you don't know what else to say. In the future if you're wanting to seem much more mature I highly advise to never go after someone on a personal level, it makes you seem immature because you can't control yourself or what you say. It also doesn't help the argument, if someone can't think of anything else to say except "no life" it makes their argument appear to be weak. Just some advice, take it as you please.
  7. How much you want? How much you want?
  8. Why you selling this?
  9. Who here plays at 20 saturation?

  10. Facts You haven’t offered anything productive here. People have provided plenty of points as to where the issue lies and how it’s to OP, in my opinion and many others it’s very apparent. By saying this you haven’t added anything productive to the argument so don’t complain about trying to make a constructive argument. I also haven’t seen any compromises besides from people on our side wanting it reduced just a little. Instead of us saying we want it gone we thought about the APD and suggested a better way to search houses. I suggested police must be engaged with the individual to search the house. Let me clarify because some people misread it and assumed I meant a police chase let me clarify: If police see you interact with your house they cannot raid it when you’re not there, they’re allowed to land attack you and capture you then raid your house in my opinion. But in my experience this has never happened, that’s why I suggest making it a rule. Currently to my experience, and many others, police fly 1km high in the sky or sit 2km out with rangefinders to wait for you to interact with your house and leave then call in a raid.
  11. No one is saying you can’t search them ever but there definitely has to be more limitations such as actively being engaged or only being able to raid it if they’re caught at it in the moment etc.
  12. Runs are already hard enough with cops flying around in an orca checking the places 24/7.
  13. There’s a difference between removing a whole faction and then noticing where there’s flaws in some of their systems. Fixing this isn’t just going to make it robbers it’ll keep it cops vs robbers. Cops just have rules to follow. So do robbers though. I mean to put it in perspective I put stuff in my gang shed then went to gather and got a message by a sergeant saying he was searching it and he showed me the evidence. But in the evidence he didn’t get a name and the person who was in the evidence at the shed was my friend not even me. So for all he knows my friend could’ve not been wanted or etc. and I mean the sergeant was literally in a plane engine off flying over the city waiting to see someone interact with a house. If that isn’t to OP then you guys are high.
  14. Cool to see you saying you want to expand into other games as that’s definitely the smartest move since Altis Life will inevitably die eventually.
  15. Welcome to Olympus @Alec-I Glad to see you realized Asylum will never fix the lag like I have.
  16. ?
  17. Wanting to buy a house in DP 23 on Server 3, willing to pay good hmu if you're selling.
  18. Can't wait to see it.
  19. Make a montage
  20. Selling 382 War points for $12.5k a war point. If interested hmu
  21. o7 Even though you think I sold IPs I still liked you, no homo. I'm planning on going to school for Software Development as well, any advice on it @Ignis?
  22. How to find a house to buy with the Realtor and use it
  23. Honestly it's stupid asf. The fact that cops can just fly over a city and spot a criminal interacting with a house then search it when he leaves it absolutely stupid. In my opinion they should have to at least be initiated with him while seeing him interact with his house. Straight Facts. Asylum sAPD is way more professional than Olympus sAPD Hopefully that realization will impel them to fix it. Doubt it though.

    1. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      wtf give me my 12 minutes back


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