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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. 58 minutes ago, Peter Long said:


    • Gold sold for Feds successfully trend almost identically to the success rate

    Since we started doing the Fed Stats over a year and a half ago, the sell rate of gold after a federal reserve trends extraordinarily close to the success rate of a fed. Almost everty the time a bomb is blown for a federal reserve, gold is sold within a few hours. This stat is hard to track with 100% accuracy as many gangs store thier gold to sell when the situation is over, but in a year and a half of doing these stats, the trend has remained the same. If you don't believe me, just ask @McDili who did the stats while he was owner. 

    Can you post that data? Your claim is baseless considering you have no evidence, and I took gold sold data for the same range and it was only 1.5k.

  2. Not sure if stats page tracking is wrong or something, but the data I got from checking stats is pretty different from those shown here:


    Although if you ignore the difference between amount of feds, the gold sold is pretty atrocious considering that there were 16 completed feds according to the stats, and if we assume that the average gold bar amount is 250 (Which is the high end, just an example) then only 6 feds were technically completed successfully. @destruct If you have data correlating bomb blown and gold sold then please post as that is what peter claimed in his post.



  3. 1 minute ago, indian said:

    I’ll sum it up for you. Donald here was selling in-game you know what, the person he was trading with sent him IRL $ before the trade so Donald decided to scam him and not send him the in game stuff. This person that was scammed happened to be @Canadian‘s friend. So, Canadian scammed Donald back by doing the exact same thing that Donald did to his friend for  double the $.

    Seems like fair karma to me

    haha get fucked @Donald.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Chance. said:

    Tell me how you would approach a dispatch call that stated there was a man holding a women hostage in the room with a gun. Would you be on edge, especially when seeing the two walking out of the room? Would you be on edge if you told the kid 3 times to not reach behind him and he did it again? Clearly it was justified, as it went to a high court and the officer faced no charges. He simply resigned as an officer in Arizona.


    No reason why they couldn't just cuff the guy while he was laying down tbh


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