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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. That can possibly work I'll get back to you soon okay?
  2. one sold not to long ago for 35m, Can you do 20?
  3. Selling Armed Huron post offers or pm me on forums 76561197964694556 my pid 235281 Air Civ Huron 1 https://olympus-entertainment.com/stats
  4. interesting considering I got a 25m offer on the house and garage 2 months ago when I played but turned it down lol
  5. Need more, best moonshine setup on server 1
  6. @Excision owns the 4 crater below dildo on og on server 1
  7. 15m for just the 4 crater, I'm looking for 20-25m for the 4 crater 2 crater and garage
  8. got a higher offer on just my 4 crater
  9. https://gyazo.com/aa8f7033be5b87a0e0110db67a052875 DP23 4 crater + garage https://gyazo.com/6430d86b5194aba30a61d5523237aa9a DP23 2 Crater [15m from 4 crater and garage] https://gyazo.com/db888c0b069aabf8353d22cfc39ce802 Map (proof) Selling all 3 not just the garage or 4 crater.. post offers below
  10. not worth reporting ban evaders got offered 500k comp lol
  11. jwilly where is my 3m retard jwilly scams do not trust!!!!
  12. Hydra

    Thermal NVGs

    I'll give you 15m for them
  13. I'll sell 50k / helm
  14. @Harley Quinn @ScreaM The are both S+ on ESEA
  15. I have a level 5 vest and a pilot coverall
  16. can confirm heyday is a very legitimate house seller
  17. You do know the asp is the subsonic rifle and you cant shoot it over 300m unless you know what you are doing right?
  18. another armed huron lol

  19. Hydra

    Hello APD?

    you have without a doubt severe autism
  20. Hydra

    Hello APD?

  21. not worth 20m ROFL
  22. heyday scams major heyday from vx probably duped don't purchase
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