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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Duece

  1. Duece

    Hey :)

  2. Yeah have a few mk1s and tier 5 vests + clothing I believe gotta take a look to verify.
  3. Yes
  4. Bump now have 2 mk1s and 2 loadouts
  5. MXSW Sold - MK1 taser and gear left
  6. PM me or msg egnazio
  7. Taking offers on both have 10 mags for the MX-SW has 100 round mags if you don't know. Also have full LT loadout with black pilot helmet for sale.
  8. Let me vigi that 2.5 and ill give you 3mil for the s2 house
  9. 400k
  10. Disappointing....announced way to close to the event start time
  11. How much was even stolen?
  12. The trucks need to be tier 4 if they aren't already. Way to slow going up hills (only way to avoid driving right into the cops at the start). Also need a shit ton of repair kits to spawn in the truck or near it because as of right now you can expect to lose a tire or two every "wave" especially with quilins on your tale. No purple zone would make it impossible for cops who don't have a heli but maybe make the purple zone visible after a certain amount of time after it spawns or distance traveled. Would give time to get to alternate routes since the start is very hilly if you don't take the main road and takes time to manevour around. Right now it is too cop sided for sure. Wave rules wouldn't make sense on a moving target. Also think cops need a rule against camping the drop off points or maybe the drop off/turn in spots can be randomly picked from a handful of spots and not shown on the APD map.
  13. An attachment should not be more then the gun it goes on. I will give you 100k for the silencer.
  14. So you're telling me I cannot pay rebels to sit in my squad car and be my "lethal force".
  15. Tanks mang
  16. Definitely helped my game and many people I play with. Buddy can now play and fly around with 12k view distance without texturing where as before he would be lucky for it not to lockup his game when changing it. My game would freeze and texture everytime I saved a shadow play clip. Was forced to restart the game right after. Now it runs like butter through it. Verify game cache if you haven't, my game ran like shit until I did that even though it didn't download anything extra. I still have my old parameters for Max mem around 2gb which I haven't tried removing since it's running so well.
  17. Not really frowned upon everyone said it sounds fun or it's a good idea. We are just saying it won't happen. There are too many other variables and gameplay impacts that come along with it.
  18. Yep would be fun but don't think it's practical.
  19. Duece


    4 hours without restarting or feeling any random freezes. Night and day difference in performance and smoothness of gameplay for me. Only problem I have had since the update is not being able to open some doors. Mainly at hospitals.
  20. Keep olympus great...
  21. Yea its safe. Make sure you don't dilute it, the stronger it is the more bitches you will get. It's confirmed.
  22. Pretty OP for civs tbh. Playing cop should be just as fun as civ. Being tazed and restrained when you respond to a federal robbery and sitting there for 15 minutes just sucks.
  23. New cartel by salt is fun to fight. Just need to get rid of that big tower and add a buy hut or something. The inside of the cartel is pretty open maybe a few more sand bags or broken vehicles/helis for cover you can push up too/defend from both inside and out. I agree NW castle is pretty OP to defend especially since the ga rigs can tank a lot of nades.
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