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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on September 16

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About silton

Olympus Plus
APD Officer

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  1. Can we please consider a garage out the front of the jail cause the 500m run to impound yard is toooo much

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bruhar


      Wanted to repost this do to the  fact the I fucked up my English xD

      Would be very stupid considering the fact that if you needed cars to block of the bridge for a jail break you wouldnt  need to go anywhere other then said garage next to the jail to pull them. Also after the fact of doing so you could just store the vehicles  that you pulled to block the bridge. This puts the APD at a bigger disadvantage so it wouldn't be fun for them. If anything make it so when you get out of jail you can respawn at any town or house of your choosing if you have one kinda like a fast travel to the destination where you want to be for serving your time. 

    3. Bruhar


      @tkcjesse If you Could make it were you have to be a Recent In-mate to pull vehicles from said garage then that would be something cool to see.   

    4. silton
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