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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on September 16

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About silton

Olympus Plus
APD Officer
  • Birthday 05/29/2001

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    Hunting Grounds
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  1. @Dante enjoy raiding Warzone. It's all yours now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MAV


      Legit the dumbest argument to date ... There are dispatches from warzone to APD daily...it's usually something  like last alive and gang got wiped so call in the cops to piss of the other group or something ... TBH... 100% dedicated Cartels fighters on Olympus are the most premadona whiniest bitches on the server...y'all leave that's fine... Less drama I gotta read about... Just remember y'all got permed on asylum once (or more) I wouldn't be surprised if we see y'all back soon enough...


    3. JuanDeaged


      Y’all aren’t getting the point. I’m pretty sure he’s saying that you can raid war zone all u want but no one will be there hence “it’s all yours”

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
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