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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on September 16

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About silton

Olympus Plus
APD Officer

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  1. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Rexo


      Im all for warning people, most of the bans I hand out usually is a hey don't do this or do that xyz in the future and rule clarification and education. and ends up being reduced/lifted.


      But if its a very apparent pattern in ban history then they can sit it out. 


      Same goes with faction but they risk a higher punishment for holding a APD position (rank affected and/or ban)

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Im very lenient when it comes to stuff like this. If I hear the cops complaining about civs backpacking I may go spectate and warn them. It’s really not black and white and more of a case by case/ban history on said player. Folks listen for the most part so it generally leads to no ban.

      As staff members we try to balance the playing field as much as possible. Don’t look at it as “it’s a petty rule break, it should go unnoticed”, look at it as a fair and balanced system. No one should have an advantage over the other. That’s all I preach when handing out bans or warnings. 


    4. silton


      @ Bubbaloo Burrito  At feds most people complain about backpacking the dome  and getting shot through. No one did that. When 10ish people including 2 ex admins get caught backpacking it shows just how much it happens, especially in intense town fights like the one for the gold truck.

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