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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on July 20

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About silton

Olympus Plus
APD Officer
  • Birthday 05/29/2001

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    Hunting Grounds
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Citizen (3/7)



  1. 2 more admins that don't know the rules. When will it end...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      What rules don’t they know? 

    3. virus


      @ -Shawn- same ones you dont

    4. -dante-


      Which ones are those? 🤓

  2. Another sAPD staff member... When will the bias end.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Polly


      @ -Shawn-  *stares in sadness as a civ*

    3. Kodakk


      i can feel the 3rd cancer diagnosis coming soon

    4. -dante-


      image.thumb.png.424e92ecf8b837677326034eef7f712b.png@ Polly not very civ of ya ;D

  3. Staff covering up pedo behaviour once again.

    You make me sick @ Grandma Gary

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Metal


      @ silton  Provide some proof pussy

    3. buckie


      WHOse the new Kyle rape

    4. HyperGoat


      @ Metal

      Dont need proof when you admitted to it :))))


      Damn, I was down bad back then. Ah well, shit happens - Metal


  4. "Logs don't lie" on a vdm dispute. Really reaching for that 200k. God's work keeping the career cops in check.
  5. silton


    I'm pretty sure I've got more than that. I've also dished out over 800m in comp since the dispute system was added
  6. silton


    I've maxxed out the stats page I started playing in 2016 and 99% sure I have the most bans on the server.
  7. @ Mc Pooperson C'mon poopy can't be losing to guys like this.
  8. I thought you were wheelchair bound in an old persons home. I don't think this clip is yours.
  9. You're wrong it's a direct hostile action which as per the Altis Life Server rules you can shoot without engagement. Change/specify the rules and stop making up bullshit. Ex sAPD admin makes me sick with the bias.
  10. Another retarded corp. Good day for civs

    1. Element_
    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      Surprised no witless reply this time @ Element_ ?

  11. So planting bombs and lockpicking is a hostile action but holding a gang mate in custody with the intent to send them to jail isn't? Man I love Olympus staff.
  12. Unlucky rabid
  13. They added vermin cause of tanking. They decided to get rid of all csats and it wasn't needed. Back when staff had brains.
  14. I agree, the ego is out of hand. #NotMyDev #BringBackTech
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