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Everything posted by Soverign

  1. Well gonna be fun to get back into this nice to see alot of the oldies still here

  2. want me to camp u next love? how long was the market glitch around before u caught that?
  3. it was a what if scenario and a thank you to our staff.
  4. this is the net, fuck grammar
  5. it was just a what if scenario Panera, no reason to get your pantys in a bunch
  6. salt salt and salt pretty sure I was just saying have the hunter made the same time frame as the medic exploit it would of far surpassed it. --- this is what I meant.
  7. trying? just made a thread thought this exploit could of been bigger than medic and I was right
  8. By @McDili for the medic exploit Hello everyone, if you or someone you know was banned for "Duping Ban Wave" then this is your informational thread on what happened. First thing's first. The R&R Impound Yard has been abused for over 1 year in what can only be described as the largest money exploit uncovered in Olympus History. I won't go into details, but overall, Total Exploited: $728,970,000 dollars have been inflated into the market from this exploit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By @Jesse for the hunter exploit Just imagine the hours we wouldn't of had to have wasted had everyone been honest players and not have abused it? Bans are 10x easier to issue then wiping accounts/etc. Some had well over an hour to turn themselves in. The time to turn yourself in was relative to when you did it and when you got caught and issued a ban. For some it was 10+ hours. There was over $75m exploited from this in just a day. So you're saying we should have let it spread more then took action and waited for maybe a one or two people to come clean. What the fuck makes you think you need over an hour to send a pm or come clean? Clearly intentions were to not tell staff. If it was your intentions you wouldn't have been doing it... and if you "loved the server" you wouldn't be taking advantage. Simple as that. It really is. Your intention was to gain from the exploit if you didn't NOT do it and/or tell a staff member. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So mcdili said the medic exploit ran for around 1 year that's 365 days, and jesse said this hunter exploit had already made 75mill in 1 day, that means if this exploit had the admins not caught it and it magically made the same time scale as the medic exploit it would have exploited over $27,375,000,000. Its just a estimate, pretty sure the amount of money per day would of rose as each day passed. Thanks to our great staff we have, Bravo. The community thanks you for your service and keeping Olympus great.
  9. Titans of the day


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      13 minutes ago, William 'Daniel' Wallace said:

      I asked how you are constantly yellow chained. I don't know how to make that simpler 

      he has 700+ ping in the ts constantly 

    3. Soverign


      like you said constantly, live out in the country, with metered net that I pay 100 a month for, 12mb down .22up

    4. Cadetbus
  10. I have the most greatful appreciation for our developers, they don't get paid and they put in a shit ton of work. Just felt this months goal was a bit weak. And I'm not rushing for the julys goal to be put out I know it will be put out.

    1. -dante-


      Good on you for this post, but every month can't be great. People should be donating for the server to stay alive, not for the perks. Sometimes the devs need a break from a big donation goal every month to take care of other things. If you saw their workload you would understand. These guys get paid 0 dollars and generally don't play the game too much to even enjoy the features. They do it for every one of us and if you remember a time before Jesse, you'd remember how slow updates came out and how underwhelming they could be. Every update always has some hype in it. They do a great job and shoild never be faulted for something taking a little longer or a weak donation goal so that they don't have a whole other big project on their hands. 

    2. SPBojo


      I cant confirm nor deny that Jessie ate my 250 donation and spent it on Taylor Swift Hentai.

  11. I'll be truly surpised if this months donation goal gets met. Now where is my offshore run and making license plates in jail

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Slaughter
    3. Morgan Freeman

      Morgan Freeman

      Sv you know exactly what I'm talking about, all that shit I said is true and you know it is so dont act like you don't know what I'm talking about cause you report your own gang members.


  12. We take DOXing very serious around here good sir
  13. is it safe that I before the gyazo looks iffy, think its a ip logger
  14. was fun
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