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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. meh, weak
  2. DID YOU KNOW, the average Sperm Whale can ejaculate 400 gallons of seamen at a time?!?!?! But only about 40 gallons go into the female!!!
  3. what server?
  4. Vermin Supreme 2k16 and his VP They have my vote
  5. Allllrighhhttt, ya got me.... It's a Mark 4 "Fat Man" which was built post war but the surplus of missiles have since become outdated by the year 2026 (in game year). With Greece's falling economy, the nation fell into an anarchy. The US then decided to dump the missiles and strip them for their plutonium to use in nuclear power plants. Jk, but for real... look up what a buoy looks like breehhh
  6. Its a buoy
  7. Shoot more than once Plus, it doesn't protect the face
  8. There is a part of the body known as the head
  9. Not gonna lie, I would abuse the shiiiiiitt outta server 3 but my computer has a stroke if I am on there for a minute or two, soooooooo I kinda cant make money on 3
  10. @Larry can confirm this works and is a legitimate medic strategy
  11. giphy.gif 200.gif Happy Birthmas @CommanderSuki, I totes didn't steal gifs these from you

  12. I AM TAKING OVER THIS NOW BOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
  13. 1. I dont want it (i think it is going to be abused as hell by large gangs) 2. I dont see your name on the latest donations page
  14. http://downloadmoreram.com/ yes
  15. My main tip for you is to this... Stay out of Kavala. Too many combat loggers, RDMers, etc and you will not get big bounties. If you do see decent bounties in Kavala, their buddies will come and flock to him to save them, leaving you dead. If you stay out of Kavala, this may still happen, but not nearly as much
  16. I have a decent sized bounty and it would be great if you didnt give the vigi good advice since I often role alone or with 1 or 2 people
  17. Disregard that
  18. If youre in the jail, killing you is a no-no. If youre out of the jail, then rip in pieces to you since youre now in a red zone (if the jail break was still going on)
  19. yqlUOId.png

    My life is now complete. Contrats boo



  20. The FPS is also a major factor. I would love to play on Tanoa but cant because my computer nearly kills itself each time I try to. I have lost way too many helis do to the game crashing too...
  21. Try a lower resolution
  22. kk, guess who just lost their Potato Of The Month Subscription...
  23. +3 Simple, just start a flame war with someone/some gang/etc
  24. I hope you step onto a small puddle while wearing socks!!!!
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