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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. been playing for 1k hours and still not wrongfully permed yet so i guess i am lucky, enjoy your stay
  2. When you get hit by the meanest uppercut of 2017


  3. how much for full sgt gear also pilot coveralls and gold racing helmets
    1. big niko

      big niko

      Tbh, your game looks so good.

    2. bigSMOKE


      @Nikoteen might've been the in game beer i was drunk on at the time lol

  4. all that time in the air and still didnt alt f4
  5. which methods do you know so far
  6. +1 other bans are irrelevant. This is very much so some BS for ban happy admins
  7. there is lots, hell even @gordonmann1 ban evaded for 6 months after telling a mod he ban evaded and he was under the same name he got banned on. yaw yaw yaw was permed, lil bill was permed for a day and all he talks about is using pulldowns. this shit is a joke
  8. people on this server have been banned for scripting, hacking, lagswitch, exploiting, duping, and more and I see them play the server everyday. you're telling me that all because someone cheats on an unknown game for an unknown reason you're banning them for hacking on call of duty or X game they get permed but people who exploit and all that don't?
  9. he already got smashed like 5 times he is just pointing it out
  10. if you got banned on those games within the last 210 days then c ya is the system in place now
  11. let's be honest this system makes no sense. people cheat on one game so they automatically cheat on another? it's like taking a test and failing in math so the next test they auto fail you without even taking it. the auto fail has little to nothing to back it up just like assuming they cheat on arma.
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