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Eazy last won the day on July 25 2022

Eazy had the most liked content!


About Eazy

  • Birthday 01/17/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. do u sell nudes bb ?

    1. Excision


      no but i do have some toys

    2. Lucky luciano
  2. Eazy


    ban you and make me chief of swat and i promise theres 120 people on that shit
  3. so was this goodbye post a meme
  4. So many beautiful trans members in this community !! @ Jazzy  @ Cory

  5. Chicago beat me to it
  6. So it doesnt matter if the window has been boarded up or has bars over it? as long as i can cleanly jump through it?
  7. Eazy


    my name is eazy ingame and i do not give a fuck
  8. I havent played s1 rebel in probably a month and a half, shit is terrible, there is no one to fight, there is no one to rob I agree people should be able to make money, but put that money in illegal runs, it doesn't even feel worth it to have houses for illegal runs
  9. if they put this in the patch notes it might've actually been one of the best changes they've made in a while
  10. @ Mako personally, i wouldn't let that slide...
  11. could of used this not even like 12 hours ago
  12. I log into cop a few mornings now and then, EU times so roughly 40 pop I'll literally check every illegal pro, there's nobody, they all do legal runs cause legal runs are just so good compared to illegal. Legal runs are cool, i really like that civs have alternate runs that they can do (granted to sell them at full potential you need WPL, which gives less gear). I think a hard buff on illegal run sales and keep legal runs as they are would improve the Rebel/Civ/Vigi/Cop Ratio
  13. Eazy

    Gay or na?

    can i do both for 20k
  14. Eazy

    congrats on deputy!!

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