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Everything posted by Slaughter

  1. Eta on downsizing @Richard?

    1. Claysive


      You have a strange obsession with @Richard today. 

    2. Richard


      I have a new crush.  I like it

  2. what the fuck is this get it out of my face. who thought it was a good idea to make richard the face of the front page??

    1. your name

      your name

      I would agree but it's missing a couple chins @Richard

    2. Richard


      One thing I’m proud of @your name is my lack of double chins.  You’re thinking of a map designer.

    3. Richard


      Damn, didn’t even @ you.  

  3. Let's do this. My guess: Noble
  4. lmaoooo weak
  5. Either way some people take word of support as admin even with them being told not so
  6. @destruct
  7. nice as far as I know yes, @Mr Majestic
  8. sorry buddy, im contributing to the community im not shitposting so don’t worry about it
  9. Most people consider them them one and the same
  10. he really did
  11. Ayeeee fiber cert nibbas, glass cable tm I’m also osha 10 certified
  12. I didn’t even know you were perma’d but regardless, you don’t just get instantly permed unless you do something huge like duping or scripting. You must have done stuff that also led up to it and you only have yourself to blame for that. I promise it 99% wasn’t that you were permed for being annoying or pissing off a staff member. If that was the case @Hylos would probably perm everyone lol Anywho, the VDM that is allowed that I’m saying is: * You are getting shot at and you are unarmed and you can get away * You run X person over in attempt to leave so you don’t die, while not causing the X person to die by you
  13. That’s not what I said, amigo. Los Siento, I mean that what happened in the video are two different things from what you are saying. VDM is allowed to a certain extent, that of which that doesn’t cause death / property loss from the person that VDMs you @rapidaax @SecTranLive @Creepy what do you guys think outside of a ticket wise To my knowledge 3 people I just @‘d are decent staff members As far as comp goes, comp requests are a bit of a process and sometimes staff gets lazy but that’s human nature for those monkeys as they put up with the bullshit that people throw at them but they still do it and not to mention only certain people can do the comp requests. There is more to it than just sending you 500k more or less.
  14. what VDM by definition is allowed, however if you spangle them you cannot kill them. The allowing of spangle vdm is on the basis that it is a last resort and you are attempting to flee or “save your life” it’s literally in the rules what happened in the video are two different things though
  15. the Quote I said lol from apd the other day
  16. I have it as a sound board btw lol
  17. When I left my senior year, I actually started working for O’Reillys and became closing manager after 6 months, and right after a year hit I went into the Telecomm industry. I’ve now been in this industry for a year as well, and I went from 9$ an hour to 16, and now I’m at 24.50 (started this industry at 16 being green to the field) with plenty of options still available for me to go to. The great part about this is not only is it per diem(25 a day, and I haven’t been home in 4 months with is really nice since it’s untaxed) and from here with experience you only get more. My co worker said he was making 90$ an hour after 3 years of doing this work starting off because he used the experience in this field and went into PBX communications. I aim to achieve that but I won’t stop there Okay mercury ( @Mercury ) Remove this post off the forums RIGHT NOW or fucking else I really wanna do cyber security. That’s what I want to pursue after I secure a future with Telecomm. That’s that 6 figure salary Exposed
  18. Sometimes it’s not the case though Noah, I had a friend in my gang that said his issue was windows not considering the game full screen to windows key would bring up the actual search menu lol
  19. what’s that (forums are dead and im trying to repopulate activity)
  20. I got to my sr year then said bonk gang and now I'm making 20+ an hour lol
  21. What does this entail, roughly?
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