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Everything posted by Mako

  1. Added: FOV Check FOV above 100 will now be flagged and require you to change it Ports Titles Hexes Gang PAID Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent COB Gang Fatigues Hot Shots Gang Fatigues Nemesis Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent Nemesis CSATs @ Secret Agent Nemesis Ifrit @ Secret Agent NSFW Gang Tracksuit @ Secret Agent PAID Gang Tracksuit @ Secret Agent Nemesis Gang Tracksuit @ Secret Agent Aegis Gang Tracksuit @ Olsson NYPD Officer Uniform Changed: Conquest Wetsuit reverted to Purple variant Map Takistan Hell's Highway Alpha flag Deleted roach buildings on some Zargabad points Chernarus 2035 Zone 1 rebel reworked Chernarus 2035 Vybor Airfield v2 Echo rework Tracksuits changed from 10WP/SP -> 5WP/SP Fixed: All instances of client -side placed buildings regarding damage or doorstate Missing NASA texture Zargabad broken image preventing selection If you find a bug please submit a report HERE.
  2. Mako


    Since you're unlikely to get an informative answer I'll put the pros and cons, we're interested in the prospect and probed around prior to December regarding setup, tooling, etc. Pros: Popular on social media New playerbase - Console Andys Economy reset Modding is built into the engine Boundless opportunity for creativity on map, models, mechanics Lots of freely usable content under APL-SA 'Free use and modification' Better default UI Better Tooling/Debugging Ability to completely reset the board for how we handle factions, staff, etc. Start on a fresher framework or custom build our own (Tonic ) Cons: No monetization policy - Cannot even make skins as a donor option Hit registration More DayZ like combat (I personally like it since it's not shit like DayZ just similar) Cheats existent Would require familiarization + extensive work to start the back and forth that is dealing with it Minimal Battlemetrics support ^ Lack of familiarization for the entire team regarding language, tooling Slots limited to 128 I would say that we're interested in it but there is more interest in engaging with the server we currently have. Things are generally stable enough to put the effort into branching out but there are major redflags by BI within the Cons section.
  3. @ milos inflated dev2 ego let it out.
  4. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Life_Rules#Chapter_22:_Miscellaneous 22.15 my child. Good luck in your crusade.
  5. 2 hours overall on the server + $60k for the license. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Vigilante
  6. Probably should've mentioned but updated Client mod to restore player choice to UI scroll box. All you have to do is set its location in the Esc -> Game -> Layout since top left is default for Arma.

    1. Noble


      that shit sucked, thanks 

  7. Decided to do some testing for the v2.18 damage handling changes and they were pretty surprising. Granits = CSAT value and PCOVs are worthless.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. peaking in life on league

      peaking in life on league

      dont bother did the testing for it already @ MAV  just need to finish it up for 6.5 rifles

    3. kny


      If this is the case why are pcovs 4wp rather than in the regular clothing shop?

    4. Mako


      They're still armored clothing and provide additional damage reduction to limbs + chest when stacked comparative to regular combat fatigues.

      We haven't had armored clothing in a regular shop since 2016.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mako


      It means they're releasing a DLC that non-modded servers won't be able to use. @ Smoothest brain on olympus

    3. hawkg


      @ Mako  you mean to tell me this isn’t already a modded server? I thought zafirs and tier 5s and rpgs are all modded gear

    4. Wolffe


      Shit looks sick as fuck

  8. Mako

    O+ Giveaway

    Type: Giveaway


    • 3 Prizes
    • 166 Participants

    Giving away 1mo of O+ to 3 people
  9. Mako

    Airdrop Anarchy

    Type: Giveaway


    • 3 Prizes
    • 134 Participants

    3 winners will receive 5x Airdrop bundles.
  10. federal events in a nutshell


    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. proud


      i wrote that in 2018, i was 16 you fucking pedophile

      bro looked through 6 years of forum messages to prove absolutely nothing except that hes damn good at sucking dick💀

    3. Boovin


      Ngl for being like that at 16 you’ve done well to not shoot up your school 🙏 big respect

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      LOL proud caught out with the receipts making out with his brother by Civak. LMAO even.


  11. Type: Giveaway


    • 3 Prizes
    • 129 Participants

    Commemorating the First Anniversary of the Client Mod
  12. not even 30 seconds in and I can't be asked because it's just retarded. I was hoping for a better bit of narrative storytelling but you can't even get shit in the right order, the Olympus Times should be ashamed to have you writing articles.
  13. Client Mod updated pushed with some news stuff that should hopefully fix stutters and crashes that may or may not have been caused by @ Milo ...

    Apologies for the delay in pushing this out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mako


      I can't believe @ Milo  broke the deployment because he was jealous of Lucien (Handsome, Smart, Funny).

      Sickening behavior.

      Hotfix deployed will probably hit Steam servers within like 10 minutes, if you don't get it then go-to your Arma 3 launcher -> CMOD -> ... -> Repair

    3. ben-



    4. Lucien
  14. 27cb308c235d7333a87838b7c9cdbf9c.png


    someone was in fact not cooking

    1. silton


      It's fucking doomed ahahahaha. Run to the ground

    2. Lucien


      Designated flag capper

  15. mfs with most titan kills be like:


    1. xsmitherz


      is that a blue mk1 i see on ur back 😶

    2. maxg
  16. Congratulations @ maxg .

  17. Some new stuff being worked on for this update that I made, I'll have more to show in the update blog. 🙂





    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ben-


      @ Lea hes making one just for you! Cupcakes get deposited in the players inventory that it hits instead of killing them

    3. Boovin


      @ Xlax  buddy you’re a rage hacker turned e-janitor I don’t wanna hear it 😤😤😤

    4. Lea


      @ ben- so no one is getting cupcakes anymore? Or this an attempt to motivate me to become a better player? 🤔🤣🤣

  18. ok but did anyone have Trump assassination penciled in for this election's surprises?

    1. Doke


      Wild turn of events

    2. stayclaxxy


      Was not in my parlay 

    3. Imagine_


      Simpson's predicted it

  19. Mako

    Masked players

    We don't have an identity masking system to prevent issues with muddled engagement or player reports.
  20. He's been banned for cheating, in the future I'd recommend saving accusations and POV for an official report as to not tip someone you suspect of cheating off.
  21. The exclusion of map changes wasn't intentional, it's just an oversight since the map team didn't include what they did. I'll make sure that this is amended shortly to properly document what was changed on the map side.
  22. Congratulations @ Lucien  first CMOD Developer 🥳

  23. Moving forward we'll try and additional regularized updates with content so that there isn't such a gap between patches when things are ready to go. This is a pretty mild update with some good QoL and fixes and we'll have more to show soon.
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