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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. I had a lengthy, almost finished explanation of the events that happened today, with a few poignant jabs in there, until I deleted it all and realized you weren't worth the bandwidth explaining how stupid you are. P.s. this happened like 3 weeks ago
  2. Gangsters used to move ounces and reach for burners. Now Gangsters only move mouses and reach for cursors

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      Yeah, Gangsters moving ounces. plis.

    3. DeadPool


      When is the album dropping?

    4. TheRandomOne


      @DeadPool1337 currently in the studio with Supa Hot Fire right now

  3. Are you sure you're not just going to copper and platinum it?
  4. Part of the issue with the lower ranks is that they have no wiggle room for issuing tickets. For instance, let's says you have multiple different charges on you, as a constable, if you have some good RP I'd like to give you a discount but I can't. If there's no corporal available then I can either give you a full ticket or a $500 pardon ticket. I know a lot of cops won't let you wiggle out of high bounties, but if we both have fun RPing then I don't really care how big it is, I'd give you the pardon ticket if I can. We're just unfortunately limited in what we can do. On the flip side to that, if you call me a "toe tapping faggot" and yell at me for using cover, then 30 seconds later you try and explain your charges to me, you're getting everything from discharge within a city to verbal insults and anything else you might have done.
  5. After 3 days of having a semi broken left mouse button,where I'd click it and nothing would happen (really annoying when in a firefight), it's time to retire the old mouse and get a new one. RIP 10 dollar HP mouse. We had some good times.

  6. I feel like anytime someone says "RDM" "VDM" or "comp or ban" in sidechat it should be changed to say "I should fill out a player report/record" or something (like how it changed with the n word). Maybe that'll help people realize randomly bitching about it won't help
  7. 1. If you want the rdmers to get their come uppins, record and report them. Admins can't watch every single person all the time. They're people too. Complaining in sidechat and/or the forums won't help. 2. If you got killed twice in athira within 5 minutes, you broke NLR. Minor irony.
  8. Oh man. I went super saiyan
  9. I mean, I hope no one takes this shit seriously. I've just been having a bit of fun
  10. Oh shit, it's the ghost of Christmas past
  11. Here's my card for you:
  12. Mods and Admins aren't allow to celebrate Christmas
  13. Pat got beat by a 5.56 by @Capua61 when he had a 7.62 lol. Also, you sound like a broken record kid. At least if you're going to insult me try not using the same damn ones, it's boring.
  14. Where do you think I learned to use one?
  15. @Airman You still got the video of you wrecking 6 of them? lol
  16. lol I was talking about moonshine and your guys didnt show. No water there buddy You were the one who tried to take my boat and got tapped with the sdar lol Maybe one day we'll take VX seriously, but that day is not today.
  17. Ooh looks like you got it.
  18. Prove a point? Nah, I just love the salt. And seeing even some of your reactions in this thread, it's the gift that keeps on giving. Also, where did you get this idea your opinion mattered in the slightest? Because it sure ain't your brightest one.
  19. Haha yeah you did @Jazzy. It was you and someone else yelling at me on the pier wasn't it? 10/10 banter. It was great. P.S. I've apparently used my 10 likes for the day otherwise I'd give you one. That was hilarious. You got away with my boat too. VX tried that once and I shot him out the boat lol
  20. If bigpat is a grown ass man, what's that make me being older than him?
  21. There were 3 vx on and 2 of us when we capped it. Currently I'm taking Anarchy's cartel and there is 4 of them on and 1 of me lol
  22. We went to your cartel and we're hoping yall would fight a 2v3 instead you hopped off and the other 2 never showed. 10/10 fight
  23. People bitching about fighting and here I am on land capping cartels by myself with no one fighting. You guys must just be to salty pro for me.
  24. Nah fam, we good. Yeah buddy, you. That's why you started blowin up in TS as well lol. You've now texted me in game, posted on the forums, and sent messages in TS....definitely you.
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