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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. Im just that good
  2. That works too
  3. Here is the legacy code for the people that upgraded by mistake: Arma3Legacy176
  4. If you are smart and you are going to vigi a high bounty player in a gang, take their comms and gps, and fly them across the map.
  5. 57
  6. @king lee https://vocaroo.com/i/s0jyWlHkNE8g
  7. The rank of Corporal and above have lethals. The apd ranks go as follows> Deputy Patrol Officer Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Deputy chief of police Chief of police
  8. <3
  9. True. @Kloudy Not home, but I can send u a screenshot at some point somewhere. Give me an offer on what you are willing to pay for 5 mx's and a MXM and ill consider it. @Wong You can also buy the MXM. cheap price of 500k <3
  10. I have about 5 and 1 mxm. Give me an offer
  11. NOOOOO, I said lets gather people for a grenade chicken and then we all stood in a ring and then threw it. now whether I got it from inside Bow's house or not is up to the kavala scat gods
  12. @Bow Still doesn't beat today's event when we got all of Kavala to play "grenade chicken" with us.
  13. Enter
  14. You done fuck up now. FBI is on their way to your door aswell now. GL
  15. Happy Birthday RambleR!! 

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