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Everything posted by KingMango

  1. Someone should record clips of his voice and make a soundtrack out of it.
  2. I didn't abandon you. I was just bored.
  3. Michael go fight your brother some more I mean the are hardly ever useful any how and there are not that many on when the servers are full either like 2 usually.
  4. Defibs or nah? you never know maybe all the sweaty nerds will come back and revive gang life.
  5. @Poseidon it's up to you to make olympus great again. #bringbackdefibs

  6. o7 you'll be missed
  7. XD Jamie your turning into octane chill out.
  8. with all these restrictions wouldn't the dupers just rather stay banned?
  9. Husky/lab mix for sure +99999
  10. I low key want a chinchilla just because they look fucking fluffy as hell!
  11. Honestly i don't think any of this is going to happen because no one robs gas stations so no ones gonna back this up. The only time i see people rob them is when they want to fight and are to lazy for warzone and cartel.
  12. When you take up PC gaming to get rid of your gambling addiction then they add gambling to the only life server your play on.
  13. hey what about me ik that big fivehead hoe
  14. I think of how proud and savage live in jew york and that leads to me thinking of cancer
  15. RIP god among men.
  16. Ninjas vs. samurai?
  17. Rust is a trash game so I never gave it the time to become good. Ik the ratings xd that was one of the kids arguments that rust was better.
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