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Everything posted by Cyanide

  1. went from 400k to 65mill in 3 days just from betting.
  2. I seem to be doing fine lol
  3. yeah, I occasionally deal with the odd cop following me but other than that I stick to not talking to them longer then I need to.
  4. your an animal
  5. Doing a project for class about college depression if you have a sec pls fill out this survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXm7V0kpXcPCGzW7OlHxlWHPt-YYIkFNbFKo1rBICAMFt3aw/viewform
  6. Doing a project for class about college depression if you are in college and have a sec pls fill this out. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXm7V0kpXcPCGzW7OlHxlWHPt-YYIkFNbFKo1rBICAMFt3aw/viewform

  7. You can't leave me king. Who's going to help me lethal all the deps now? o7
  8. Cyanide


    10k for the mar 10?
  9. awww why did the gangplay post get yeeted

  10. Cyanide

    WTS Spar16-s

    Wow my spar was only sold for 750k feels bad...
  11. Staying indoors until this blows over
  12. I'd like to sell it for a little more lol
  13. what do you want to offer?
  14. I'd prefer to get rid of it as a whole
  15. https://gyazo.com/bdfca1835dc8319a808ee026e17f36d6 please message with offers
  16. Thanks to everyone who helped me out in the apd. Hope to make you guys proud

  17. one spar
  18. place bidding below
  19. i'll give 3 mill for the house
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