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Everything posted by Fuzz^

  1. And everyone wonders why blufor never wins...
  3. Same, thats why I pay scats to vdm him so I don't get banned
  4. If it makes u feel any better I voted no. I still want Peter Kos
  5. After careful review of this shitpost it has been decided to increase the ban time to a perm x2 due to the fact you are a fucking idiot feel free to submit another appeal in 2 weeks, though likely will not help. Any other questions may be directed into @Dante 's inbox.
  6. Can confirm arigato is best moderator +1million
  7. Fuzz^


    Was hoping to click on this and it be another apd nerf thread. its a sad day.
  8. Did you know its impossible to say good eye might without sounding Australian. 

    1. SPBojo


      Unless you say it in a different language that is ;) 

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      2 hours ago, SPBojo said:

      Unless you say it in a different language that is ;) 

      English is the only language that matters.

  9. Fuzz^


    The only problem is the sgt+ vest that can tank a 7.62 mag
  10. Was expecting to get my ears blasted
  11. No one, thats just what will happen. prove me wrong
  12. Sure suggest things for them to add specifically for donors
  13. Sorry, I'm a little bit slow, I don't understand someone please explain :/
  14. Montage 2 in the works, dropping soon. Been a while in the making considering IM SHIT but ya know hoping you guys like this one :) 

  15. Does APD have PC if a vehicle is reported stolen in wz?
  16. Fuzz^


    @Dante @ikiled @thor
  17. Dont see staff in your name either
  18. Can someone link me a good montage editing software   thats free? So atleast my edits can be good?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monkeysz


      Pirate Vegas like every other fucker

    3. Kamikaze
    4. monster


      3 hours ago, Monkeysz said:

      Pirate Vegas like every other fucker


  19. A hatchback sport cost 30k and i can get to sofia from athira airfield in 30 seconds
  20. Gang wars or DDoS wars :hmm:

  21. You have been selected for a routine inspection that will be carried out by Blackwater Inc. personnel. Cease current activities[Park/Land/Dock], and place your hands upon your head to await your inspection. If you do not immediately comply with these terms you will be killed, tazed, or titaned by Blackwater | Triggered little b i t c h Edit: Thats what happens when you camp prygos air and legit dont war any gangs :L
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