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Everything posted by Chickenlittle

  1. i still got corp before u, Canadian bitch
  2. Yes sir
  3. I love my @ @Eggman
  4. o7 @Airborne Olympus lost a real one. Next time don't mass RDM :FeelsBad:

  5. @Airborne Happy Day Of Birthness u gay bot

    1. Airborne


      Thanks, good luck smashing men for fun!

    1. hawk


      And @Airborne and @rapidaax are getting demoted now :Kappa:

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      When you could hook a left and avoid it but you hook an even harder right and just go straight in

  6. You smell like a toe fucking idiot. Go wank your dad somewhere else. You must feel so cool because you are a Admin of a dying game. 

  7. big facts
  8. OHHH NOOOO MY INTERNET POINTS :ofd9deff5d836b11b580e224184aea7d3.png 

  9. o7

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadPool


      Picaso My dad sells picaso on ebay and makes 80k a year on ebay art. o7 buddy o mother fucking 7. PS can I have your money

    3. eggmasta
  10. o7 @Peter Long good luck my man u will do good
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