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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. I sense another drama stream
  2. Copy this link found on the player stats, you may need to find your arma 3 Player Id to search yourself up https://gyazo.com/6a62f139d438769c7394abf4ff3cc7b8 You want to put that URL link, (You can customise the stats box a little) And put the URL in here https://gyazo.com/84cdf80bfe8e3d854da841fbfcd888d2
  3. Its cold outside though
  4. Feels bad... Hate to see you go, especially for doing your job. Literally no one used the dms because everyone knew it werent theirs.
  5. Screenshot?
  6. Apart from that we literally are
  7. Last medic got suspended for a week for wearing them, and lost 35 mil
  8. How to keep your corp

    Image result for alt f4 gif

    1. Rappy


      or just RDM people in a hostage situation when they want to negotiate

    2. Unjo


      Or just leave olympus to join a different server for an e girl

  9. Playing with a non coc name? https://youtu.be/My0lzMuNcHI
  10. Should have said swiper no swiping when po's search your bag
  11. Unjo

    WTB 2 DMS

    Send me a pm when you wanna do it. I'm UK wooden tooth time so your late night is most likely early morning for me
  12. Unjo

    WTB 2 DMS

    Im assuming thats your offer for 1 dms
  13. Unjo

    WTB 2 DMS

  14. Unjo


    I too would be surprised if I broke the law in front if the cops on an RP sever and they chased me.
  15. Unjo


  16. 200k for beret
  17. Rebels but with tasers
  18. 2 DMS for the suppressor
  19. Unjo


    Yes Unless you have great Rp and a risk taker, no. If they give permission still a bit sketchy. If someone breaks rules on you, you cant break rules back, so yes nlr counts. Yes You must re-engage if the engagement has ended normally Yes, Nlr still counts If you have a gun and you hear cop sirens, you may open fire, otherwise you must obey normal engagement rules.
  20. WP shop or BW I think. Its called 12.7mm
  21. Mar 10 doesn't come with a integrated suppressor. ASP is also 50 cal and is apparently good for kavala scatting because of the 50 cal 1 taps
  22. Battle royale, chuck all the teams in warzone for a bonus event
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