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LULA 2022 - PT 13

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. No snus?
  2. If you like competition project runway or great british bake off. For action the punisher or the night shift. For drama Heartland or Greys anatomy
  3. Just my 2 cents but it was a half baked idea that was rammed through by a loud minority and a server owner that didn't care what most civs wanted, it caused more harm than good and I haven't seen my performance go up or down since they were removed. When it was put through we were told if it didn't work out they could be easily re-added and this was a panacea for the issues cartel players were facing, it didn't work and cartels are still dying. I think we should bring them back for 1 month like it was and actually conduct a study with the civ reps assessing how it affects their different specialties, if the good of bringing them back outweighs the harms I say fuck the cartel players and make a decision that benefits the majority. Cartels keep getting buffed and events but they haven't gone back to what they used to be, the community isn't as interested as they were and they should go back to being treated like any other civ activity instead of having the most power in the administration and civ council.
  4. Misspelled cuckaroo, you were/are a great dude as a person but tbh you didn't be all you could be.
  5. You let me run a bastardized version of the JAPD advisor program that led to new cars so that put you in the good category. TBH you earned good chief status in my book Dante was nice but kind of a cuckaroo at times GOAT was fun as fuck but there was definitely corruption Pledge hasn't been around long enough for me to have an opinion but it's pretty mixed rn.
  6. I def agree but it's one of the only ways to get a search warrant approved because people will avoid interacting if you're nearby. Imo the minimum for a search warrant should be moved to either targeting a specific person or needing to confirm the person was in a redzone or actively engaging in illegal activity, personally I think an illegal weapon and no bounty shouldn't be enough for a SW but I would agree to a rule of 48 hours to draft and execute warrants after PC has been proven and established to encourage investigative work, since RN unless you catch someone red handed and there's a Sr online when you establish pc warrants can't be executed the most surefire way to get a warrant approved is camping a building while seniors are online.
  7. @Deputy Dog

    I saw you left and I can say you'll be missed, you, Rex and Dante are the only seniors I trusted and it sucks knowing my APD dad/#1 fan is leaving for good.


    Also @Dante I know I've said it a couple of times but thank you for giving me a second chance in the APD and somehow keeping me on despite my many fuckups over the years.

    You'll both be missed for different reasons but it still sucks to see you leave.

  8. I'd snake 21cabbage or nigward, if I know Oly people are there McDildo also works.
  9. It's purge day I guess, o7?
  10. I know this will probs get buried but I'd like to thank you for giving me too many second chances. you let me come back even though I had come in underage and had gotten kicked out for combat impounded when you could've easily kept me at blacklist, and it didn't even interfere with my promotion to PO, then when I rdm'd with my new PO privileges you still kept me around and gave me PO back in a month (I was told you personally demoted me) and still throughout my various fuckups and hijinks afterwards you kept me around (or so I was told) I hope your replacement can be as forgiving lol. I'm being 100% honest this is the first senior leaving that actually makes me sad, honestly in my approximately 2 years on the PD the only seniors I've come to like and trust are you, KB, Sandman and Hawk. Seeing ya'll retire is both sad and terrifying. You've earned the retirement old man, just visit once every few weeks.
  11. As much as I hate it when people pull this card Ima do it. Olympus is a Light RP server, it's not whitelisted and on a scale from wasteland to irl it's not very far from wasteland, this has never been a major issue because its understood that you don't come to Olympus for RP. If you want there are many good servers that are more hardcore like Grand Theft Arma or A3L, your buddy Rexo owns a more hardcore server. You don't go to chuck e cheese's for good pizza, so why go to Olympus for RP?
  12. Just ask rexo to make that a feature on renegade
  13. How else is he supposed to flex his e peen? But deadass some people treat PD and RnR like it's a job, if you're already wasting 20 hours a week doing paperwork why not hit the gym, get a real EMT cert and go work with a volunteer department or as a reserve police officer? When I was a volunteer firefighter in my town every once in a while overzealous corps would get pissed at me because while leaving to go on a call I'd leave situations or leave arma but not TS, they couldn't comprehend that my real life responsibilities came before video game police.
  14. Dude in Canada the pay very much matters as far as agency choice, Canada has a vary high cost of living and provinces like Ontario have it tremendously high. Most agencies in major cities pay above 92k annually when you finish training and reach 3 years, cities like Vancouver have officers making 102k before overtime and benefits after 4 years while the RCMP tops out at 86k for officers after 5 progression steps which is well below what most officers make at other agencies with the same rank, time in and and OT/benefits. The RCMP can also be sent anywhere in the country so cost of living is sometimes higher than city or provincial cops. The RCMP also sucks as an employer because they're the biggest agency and extremely slow to change, in the late 2000s most agencies already issued out patrol carbines, RCMP officers wanted them and the RCMP only started to implement the program after 2 mounties were killed because they lacked rifles and not everyone got a rifle when they did get issued, that pattern goes with all the kit as their weapons and gear are outdated or overused. The OPP is an agency with an almost identical job but their constables make 98k after 3 years before overtime and side jobs, most get issued newer cars and mostly chargers or SUV's and all their officers had rifles before the RCMP, and they're not too far working conditions wise from a city PD while mounties get worked into the ground for below average pay and benefits.
  15. hit me up when I'm on cop and we can work something out, my badge number is 5561
  16. RCMP pay is also shit, O.P.P. has a similar gig but when you finish your probie period and make 1st class you're making 98k/y and the RCMP is generally behind on giving their officers the latest gear, most town police officers make more with better working conditions.
  17. Yeah, good luck and if you want to stay in LE Sheriffs are elected. I'm from Brasil but spend most of my life abroad, back there my family's "trades" are diplomacy, politics, and general government or "liberal professional" work so I'd have that going for me. LE was/is a dream so I'd like to do it for a little bit since I have an easy gateway the U.N. until I turn 27. The U.N. pays really well for their "professional" staff and as a lawyer, it's a good way to get experience in international relations, get a prosecution record for human rights law and get your name out there while making connections If I do go into the UN I'll be the 3rd generation of my family to go into the foreign service. Once I have a decent cushion I'd like to move to Brasil and start working in politics while going back to school for Brasilian law then eventually run for Congress. In my family, we also have a decent amount of politicians with 1 president and 1 speaker of the house so I could also use the family angle to help me get into one of the bigger parties.
  18. What's your dream agency? I've always wanted to go into LE and did some training which I loved but honestly I'd rather be a politician so I can make changes at a macro level. Since the law school I wanna attend is in Canada I was thinking of joining the O.P.P. as an auxiliary then moving to sworn once I get my law degree. Then In would do 3 years and still be old enough to join the U.N. under their Young Professional Program.
  19. Honestly I voted for discord because it's becoming a one stop shop for everything. They implemented video calls and screen sharing and have a UI/ system that's very usable for professional purposes, their UI makes starting a server and managing roles much easier than TS and the bots are a plus, TS is great from an admin PoV but discord is much better. I was literally at a Model UN conference where my "bloc" made a discord for sharing resolutions and passing notes and it worked great and the moment I got home I was able to hop into another server and play siege with friends immediately, ts doesn't offer that level of convenience and it's hard to use unless you're acquainted.
  20. I enjoy the ease of access and modularity that discord gives you for roles, making servers, getting people on and how idiot proof and versatile their UI is. But for a large community or administrative tasks Teamspeak is easier to use and manage.
  21. For vanilla I know of one large server that hired me to do some designer stuff but it was UK based (gross) but the whitelisted/modded RP communities still have healthy a playerbase from looking at the amount of streamers and the amount of action they get, but those are hardcore so ymmv.
  22. Left is an absolutely qt3.14, as long as he gives reach arounds lol
  23. O7. At this point most of the Seniors I started with left or are leaving and it's a weird ass feeling. At least we have DeputyPuppy and Sandman
  24. https://www.amazon.com/Redragon-Impact-Buttons-Precision-Programmable/dp/B07HC4NBQ8/ref=sr_1_6?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1548074151&sr=1-6&keywords=redragon+mouse People will prolly talk shit because it's made out of chinesium, but hands down it's better than all the mouse I've had (including SteelSeries and Logitech). The price is relatively low for what you get and it's extremely comfortable, it has 18 programmable buttons and the entire keypad where your thumb rests which I use to control comms and toogles, it also has a "rapid fire" button that can be edited in the drivers which will make semi-autos automatic and give you the option for bursts in autos since you control how many clicks it delivers per press. Ergonomically its very comfortable and you have an included set of weights which lets you figure out how much weight is behind it and the DPI has 4 presets but is customizable in the drivers so you can have it as slow or fast as you need, you can also edit the colors and breathing rate which is aesthetically pleasing AF. For 30$ its an awesome mouse.
  25. Shes a geriatric whose had 3 kids, what's your excuse?
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