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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13
Personally I don't care what pronoun or identity you are, I think there is a difference between gender on a social scale and your biological sex. Do what you will with your life but don't get angry at me if I don't go out of my way to validate your identity, I think this mostly stems from the social construct of "gender" because now that people are experimenting and mixing things from both "genders" we lack the language to address it so it all falls under the old terms.
Because I don't really care if people read it or not, If I reply to something I'm either giving information for the person posting, making a joke or arguing with someone. I'm not dumbing myself down for other people if my ideas need to be well articulated, if someone reads and wants to jump in great! Otherwise I couldn't care less.
Just don't let them track you lol. Officers need probable cause for a stop to ask them what their PC is and what law you violated before stepping out of your vehicle (and alt f10 if you didn't break the law). Before you step out of the car if you're clean store your weapons and keep an eye on the cops, if they ask for you to be restrained let them know you're unarmed and refuse to put your hands up until they can articulate a clear reason to restrain you also never consent to a search if you're not clean. if one goes to one side follow him and tell him to stop messing with your car if he starts tracking. If they threaten to tase you and you have no bounty do not actively resist, if they tase you also save that clip, wait for them to finish and let you go and continue. If you can park far from a black market in an appropriate parking spot (gas station) and run to buy a jammer if you're already filled and can't store in a house or put away and pull another vehicle. If that doesn't interest you finish your run, if they (the same people) raid you save the clip and ask for a supervisor during processing, make clear the tracker was put on during an unlawful traffic stop and the police tased you with no cause, if that actually happened to you be ready to provide evidence and go to support. If that doesn't get you released and you still feel like it was unjust, compile all your evidence and submit it as an IA report on the officer/s involved but for the love of god do not screech this to them during the process, if they were wrong they will be dealt with appropriately and won't do so again. If all else fails you're a free inhabitant and under article 9 they have no right to interfere with your traveling vessel. good luck!
Give me two 50$ amazon gift cards and remote access to your computer and I'll fix it for you. I used to work for Microsoft tech support so it shouldn't be too hard.
why are you posting pics of undercooked bacon?
IMO at any given time cops should be around 10% of the population on a server, while having caps on low numbers is a decent idea it's not very doable and at most you could set up an upper limit. Also new entries are trained on servers so with a cap the training system would need an overhaul. Also not all cops are created equal so if the cap is 12 you can have a server of mostly deps with ranks badly spread out, supervisors also have a tendency to not play with others or in the TS so effectively they aren't playing until a fed or large event happens. Good idea but it would require too many changes and worm for a non-issue.
What time zone are you in? I may be wrong but all time-based actions on the server are done on the U.S. Eastern timezone, if you live somewhere outside that you need to adjust it to your time. I live in Brazil so depending on the time of year I can be 1-3 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern time, so the server will close at 5 AM for me instead of 2, it's inconvenient but there's not much we can do.
My parents said if we were extended by 2 years I could get a job and they'd help me with payments on a mustang or jeep lease, but we weren't extended so I used my moms rav4
Show me one APD officer who doesn't regularly take bribes, how else is he gonna buy vehicles at feds?
He's already the head of corrections
Thinking Face, Why gang life is dead.
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to affasd63536 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I've said this multiple times by now but I'll gladly say it again, this decision was imperfect because it ignored the concerns of most of the community to appease cartel gangs, it was hailed as the cure to people not fighting cartels but didn't have that effect as cartel fights are still decreasing. No one knows the outcome of other solutions but it doesn't mean we should abandon better options, I just think we should come up with a solution involving everyone's input and if it fails we can revert to how things are now, no blood no foul. The argument that any action will be flawed or could be ineffective is inherently flawed and dangerous, perfect is the enemy of good and we should use the scientific method of trial and observation to find solutions where everyone can be content. We'll all die so what's the point in doing something with your life? There will always be poverty so why should I donate to charity? Diseases will always exist so why do we bother to find cures!? When people choose to see life as a zero sum game and use tribalism to reinforce their opinion no one wins. The biggest successes in human history happened due to multiple people working together to better their situation or solve issues, the UN was created to avoid the horrors of another world war when countries decided to put down their weapons and work together to find solutions to the issues they each faced, we could benefit taking a page or two from their book. -
Thinking Face, Why gang life is dead.
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to affasd63536 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Nope, I don't think any one of us will have a perfect solution, perfect is the enemy of good and acting like this is a zero sum game with good and bad is a counterintuitive outlook on things. Me or you don't have the perfect solution to the issue with quillins being removed, but now that it's been shown the decision was/is fairly unpopular and hasn't had the desired effect we should come together as a community to find a middle ground that makes everyone happy with the input of people from every corner of the community, there's no rush at this point so we can take our time with this one. What makes Olympus so great is the community and our biggest strength is our diversity, we have 20,000 people each with a unique outlook on these issues that can contribute to the discussion, by resorting to tribalism and treating large issues like a zero sum game we help no one and squander our biggest asset. -
Thinking Face, Why gang life is dead.
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to affasd63536 's topic in General Chit-Chat
No need to insult my intelligence or call me slurs but whateverfloats your boat, my main issue is that it was an unpopular move done against the majority of the playerbase's will that both appeased a loud minority and was pushed through before there could be discussion and brainstorming on other solutions to that issue or input from multiple perspectives. The idea itself wasn't bad but was badly implemented and in my opinion should be seriously revisited to see if we can find a solution that appeals to everyone, and despite this being hailed as a panacea for the issues in the cartel community it didn't have a large effect long term. I understand you're a developer and your unique perspective is extremely useful to the community, but it was an imperfect solution that should be reviewed with the knowledge of what effect it had. -
Thinking Face, Why gang life is dead.
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to affasd63536 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Actually it was more like 30%-40% of the community but with matt and the loud minority of cartel fighters lobbying the staff and threatening to leave if they didn't get their way. The decision was meant to appease the cartel crowd but made life harder for everyone else and despite being the thing that would save cartels they're still facing issues of reduced fights. I don't think the idea was bad by itself but the implementation ignored community feedback and made a drastic change to appease a loud minority, I think it should be revisited eventually due to how poorly thought out it was and how rushed the whole thing was. The original poll only had 2 choices and got 40% approval then another poll with multiple choice left 30% approval for removing them but Mcdilli and the civ reps had set their minds to it and the cartel gangs were holding their playerbase hostage if it wasn't pushed through asap. Debatable -
It's already there under acid, hash, pure heroin and crack.
POs don't need suppressors, we already have 2 long guns and 3 sidearms to choose from flashbangs and better gear than deps, while I do think the gap between PO and Corp should be bridged somehow giving POs suppressors ain't it, most cop engagements are distances where they wouldn't matter anyway and with earplugs the hearing protection argument is invalid. Find a better hill to die on.
Press conference that Peter Long just had!
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to iPopsicle 's topic in Updates & Announcements
Finally some good news around here! Retired founder/chief sploding (march-june) -
It sucks to see the decline of cartels but I think it's one of those scenarios where the players decide what happens, most updates we have something put in to bolster rebels and add incentives to fight cartels while other aspects like runs, scats and whitelisted factions are cast aside development wise, the core demographics of Olympus have changed over the years and people just don't want to fight caps anymore. As unpopular as it is I think we should do one last big push to revive cartels based off player input then let them be for a while until they recover or die, if cartels are on the decline there's not much we can do and keeping them on life support indefinitely just takes resources away from other parts of the community who could use help or a revamp, if the cartel system isn't able to adapt and survive in the modern Olympus maybe it's worth keeping around but not using resources on.
I think that war points, no NLR and the ability to passively make large amounts of money are incentive enought. Like @SPBojo said the playerbase doesn't fight them as much because people have better alternatives and on an RP server maybe thats not a terrible thing. From my personal experience having been in big gangs cartels "died" mostly due to the cartel playerbase, whenever we would go fight them we'd be outnumbered by a group 2-3 times our size and we'd hemmorage money if we tried to keep fights going with vehicles and come back after death. When gang wars allowed for war points to be earned outside warzone and engagement free killing wherever the incentive for most gangs not focused on cartels to fight them went away. Why spend millions in gear and vehicles pushing, coming back and having a "meh" time when you can have more fun with the same or better benefits outside wz. Also the 3 servers deflated cartels since the big cartel gangs mostly refuse to leave their servers where they have the advantage you have a handful of big gangs that could fight but never meet because they don't want to leave their home turf. Modern problems require modern solutions and the way I see it, if the amount of aid and incentives we pump into cartels and keeping the players happy still aren't enough to revive them or keep them alive we should either revamp the whole system to fix the issues or pull the plug and let the issue sort itself out, while crazy I also think that Olympus making an exile server where money and gangs transfer would be a possible solution giving the cartel players a place to fight with the development and support of Olympus but without the other stuff in Altis life.
Tbh I never understood the obsession some people have with cartels and warzone to the point of constantly trying to boost them or catering large decisions around that playerbase. Despite the light RP label Olympus is still an RP server and cartels are a small thing that imo currently receive too much aid/attention compared to other aspects of Altis life. Cartels were huge because it was one of the only ways to have good fights in this server but now that gang wars have been implemented and fights are better throughout the island less people are fighting them with the players being a vocal minority. Honestly a lot of the cartel players would be happier playing in exile and wasteland servers but sadly the ones around nowadays are mostly dead.
I think completely blocking the titles from the public was stupid, but there are certain titles relating to arrests, searches, tickets and other aspects that could make the APD look bad or that APD policy promotes "money hungry" or unethical behavior so I understand the choice.
Apps are a terrible way to gauge the number of cops and medics since the process weeds out a lot of people before they get to the test, and even then a chunk fail, my go to example is my original deputy class in late 2016/early 2017 had like 20 people and that week the APD probably inducted a solid 60 deputies. There's only me and one other person left and the other dude is a senior, that would mean after 2 years there's over a 90% attrition rate. APD/Med is more plug and play style than civ where everything takes time and money and you can't just pop in and pop out easily. There's not much that can be done about that but once you factor in Olympus having 333 player slots at peak times and a playerbase of 10,000 people whitelisted factions are the minority most of the time.
[POLL] How to implement Quilins/Prowlers?
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Wesly ツ 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Restricting quillins to 1 each and making them unclaimable is just stupid. I think prowler lites are the way to go since they're not as armored but offer the maneuverability and sturdiness of quillins but are unarmored. On the APD side it shouldn't be a corp + vehicle, corporals already have 3 aircraft and 6 ground vehicles to choose from, the quillin/prowler is the ground equivalent of the hummingbird since it can be shot out of while being fast and maneuverable. Corps mostly do air patrols and they don't need a good offroad vehicle, they would be good for PO though. -
olympus discord text chat suggestion
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Evann 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Bruh epic gamers play with tiddies while they're not gaming, if it against a bob and vegene channel you cannot call yourself a true epic gamer. Where else will I share my friend and SAPD based hentai, I have a whole weeb folder of Sandman's alter ego (a loli) getting railed by a furry APD K9. Don't suppress my art godamnit. -
I like discord better for most stuff due to bots and roles being easier to manage, but TS works better for networks with large numbers of people and ranks. One thing I saw on a GTA server would be overkill for us but was pretty cool. they got thenin-game 911 to send messages into a discord and dispatchers would then send out units from ts, the discord also had paperwork where the cops would fill out reports in-game and they would end up in the discord.