Dude in Canada the pay very much matters as far as agency choice, Canada has a vary high cost of living and provinces like Ontario have it tremendously high. Most agencies in major cities pay above 92k annually when you finish training and reach 3 years, cities like Vancouver have officers making 102k before overtime and benefits after 4 years while the RCMP tops out at 86k for officers after 5 progression steps which is well below what most officers make at other agencies with the same rank, time in and and OT/benefits. The RCMP can also be sent anywhere in the country so cost of living is sometimes higher than city or provincial cops.
The RCMP also sucks as an employer because they're the biggest agency and extremely slow to change, in the late 2000s most agencies already issued out patrol carbines, RCMP officers wanted them and the RCMP only started to implement the program after 2 mounties were killed because they lacked rifles and not everyone got a rifle when they did get issued, that pattern goes with all the kit as their weapons and gear are outdated or overused. The OPP is an agency with an almost identical job but their constables make 98k after 3 years before overtime and side jobs, most get issued newer cars and mostly chargers or SUV's and all their officers had rifles before the RCMP, and they're not too far working conditions wise from a city PD while mounties get worked into the ground for below average pay and benefits.