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Chief of Furry Police
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Everything posted by Rexo

  1. Happy Birthday @ Lea

  2. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Search Warrants Search warrants allow Sergeants+ to enter the premises to capture suspects and/or contraband. The raid must be announced and must be exercised within 45 minutes of obtaining probable cause regardless of restart. Search warrants can only be executed 5 minutes after notifying the owner or keyholder, unless the suspect is in custody. Evidence gathered to get PC on someone's house/gangshed should be provided if requested by the player. Evidence can be sent to the player either directly, in support or in a support ticket. House/gang shed searches are authorized when: An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with, shooting out of, or taking refuge in/on a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant+ has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search. Example: A Civilian utilizing their house's roof or balcony to provide a combat advantage while engaged with the APD. Chapter XII - Federal Event If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required. If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize SDARs after 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer. Active duty SAPD can authorize Deputy/Patrol Officer lethals at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage. FTO+ can authorize Patrol Officer tier 3 vests only at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage. May not be authorized for any means. If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize lethals when there is 10 or less minutes left on the bomb and when APD is at a disadvantage. Staff Sergeant (FTO) may utilize Staff Sergeant gear/vehicles during Federal Events. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Warzone raids: Officers may only enter Cartel/Warzone when they have probable cause to raid unless APD has reasonable suspicion of a suspect fleeing there. Additionally: Must follow Rebel raid rules. Exception: Corporal+ may raid WarZone with at least 2 other APD Officers. Exception: Cartels outside of Warzone may be searched every 30 minutes. Seven waves maximum per warzone raid. Exception: If civilians flee to WarZone from a Federal Event or a Vehicle Airdrop waves may continue until the situation is resolved. Patrol Officers+ are required to use lethals during warzone raids. Exception: Officers may choose to utilize tasers if they've pursued someone in the first wave. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant Corporal or higher due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of Warzone Island. Chapter XVI - Fines and Penalties Always read off all charges and value of a ticket or bounty to a suspect. Once the ticket is written, the cost is set. Additional charges can’t be added. Two chances are granted to pay tickets, more can be given based on officer discretion. Be reasonable in this area. The parole ticket counts as a chance to pay a ticket. Exception: The value of the parole ticket does not effect the second ticket. Chapter XIV - Server Events Radioactive Space Capsule Must follow standard redzone rules. Must follow airdrop rules. Exception: APD Officers may not utilize armored vehicles for the raid. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
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  3. Happy Birthday @ xsmitherz
    The box is moving...

  4. *APD PSA*
    When the Federal Reserve is bolt-cut, officers should check the site as soon as possible and determine if it will be a real event. If it is clear that the federal event is not starting and the rebel force is continuously bolt-cutting to keep APD members responding, the APD may disregard it and continue their duties as normal until the bomb has been planted.
    @APD Officer @Senior APD Member @Support Team
    Read more on past PSAs Here

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      As well as it does create confusion like Fredo mentioned of being able to restrain cops since the question would have been “can I rob cops if they aren’t required to spawn”, etc, etc.

    3. Dep Chief NYPD

      Dep Chief NYPD

      Cyan here I agree with this all that shit was aids the one day it was happening 🔥

    4. MAV


      @ Millennium  that is fair.. the wording backed by a PSA makes it harder to validate but by the time I / Fredo commented, it was already updated.

  5. Chapter XII - Federal Events Active Federal Events If the bomb is planted, doors are being cut open, or the Evidence Locker has been initiated. If multiple Federal Events are active the Federal Event with the bomb planted takes priority. Exception: If it is clear that the federal event is not starting, the APD may disregard it and continue conducting normal APD duties. Chapter XIV - Server Events Cookoff Event While the generator is active, the APD must follow the wave rule. The wave rule will remain in effect until the area is clear, regardless of whether the red zone has decayed due to an unpowered generator. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
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  6. Chapter IV - Hostage Situations Hostage situations are considered active when an APD dispatch is sent demanding an officer. A hostage taker may not: Request APD to search/impound/seize a vehicle/person. Force an APD member to send someone to jail. Force a hostage APD member to pardon or to act as a negotiator. Request a pardon/parole for a bounty including escaping jail or hostage situation or in excess of 1 million dollars. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
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  7. I'm curious how many disputes you received
  8. Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity Ghosthawks may only be used in response to active heavy gang activity and pursuit of illegal/aerial vehicles. Ghosthawks shall not be used for patrol or first wave response. Ghosthawks must return directly to the nearest HQ after situation has been called clear, avoiding any redzones @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
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      • DEMON TIME
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  9. It’s always #blamemilo @ Milo
  10. Happy birthday @ stubbz

    birthday brothers!

  11. "Want to meet my fursona" - @ Xlax

    The APD has been over ran by furriers, we need backup! I repeat WE NEED BACKUP!

    1. -Mase-


      Isn't ur fursona rexie?

    2. Xlax


      you know damn well, you are the head furry, rexie ❤️

    3. knifemaster


      @ Xlax  he is I have proof


  12. omg congrats @ stayclaxxy  on passing your APD test!!!! I knew you could do it!  (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucien


      PO tests are hard!

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Wish i could take my test....

    4. Toretto


      Unlimited staff ghosthawks 😍

  13. Congrats @ xsmitherz Welcome to the team!

  14. Rexo


  15. o7
  16. Milo and I have defeated @ Hatchbacks  and @ batGooseCan it was way too easy and we actually feel bad

    1. Lucien


      Shit talking two people restricted from the forums smh

    2. nothatchbacksaltbcimbanned


      @ Lucien  i didnt know hatchbacks was banned but he sent me the follwoing discord message to post on his behalf

      we did a 5 round tournament @ batGooseCan  and @ Hatchbacks  won 3 rounds @ Milo  and @ Rexo  won 2 rounds therfore the real winners are @ Hatchbacks  @ batGooseCan

    3. buckie


      @ Rexo  award the real winners or 100 million Indians will be on the border within the hour 

  17. Chapter XI - Blue Zones Blue Zones (Server Rules Chapter 13) APD Officers may freely patrol Blue Zones. The APD Escort Event, Art Gallery, Pharmaceutical Robbery, Vehicle Yard, and Evidence Locker are Blue Zones. APD Officers responding to an active Art Gallery Robbery, Pharmaceutical Robbery, Vehicle Yard, or an Evidence Locker must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage. APD Officers do not have to respond in waves to an active situation in a Blue Zone. Exception: If there are 6 or more APD Officers responding to the initial Pharmaceutical Robbery or Vehicle Yard Blue Zone they must respond in waves until the Pharmaceutical/Vehicle Yard vehicle leaves the initial Blue Zone. Chapter XII - Federal Event Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail/Evidence Lockup), the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater), and Evidence Locker (EL). Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Evidence Lockup, Jail. No RP is required to engage players that are participating in a federal event (doors being cut open and/or bomb planted). All APD are free to fire on players in these circumstances. If you see a player (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them. Exception: The Evidence Locker follows Blue Zone engagement rules. APD may not enter the domes prior to the event unless someone is trapped inside If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required. If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize SDARs after 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer. Active duty SAPD can authorize Deputy/Patrol Officer lethals at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage. If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize lethals when there is 10 or less minutes left on the bomb and when APD is at a disadvantage. Staff Sergeant (FTO) may utilize Staff Sergeant gear/vehicles during Federal Events. If an officer leaves an active fed they must return to the HQ before the next wave can begin. Exception: The Evidence Locker does not have wave rule regardless of any redzones it may enter whilst the event timer is active. Exception: If all the cops at the federal event chase the rebels out of the federal event (The outer Anti-Air Circle) the next wave may begin You may re-enter the federal event if chasing a suspect in. Active Federal Events If the bomb is planted, doors are being cut open, or the Evidence Locker has been initiated. If multiple Federal Events are active the Federal Event with the bomb planted takes priority. If there are 4 or less officers on duty, then the officers who are online are not required to respond. Exception: APD Officers must respond to the jail. APD Officer(s) can be instructed by an active Staff Sergeant (FTO)/SAPD/Retired Chief not to respond to an active Federal Event and may instead conduct other APD duties. APD may not utilize vans at any federal events. The Evidence Locker may be seized immediately regardless of combat (this is considered defusing). @Chief of Police @Deputy Chief of Police@Senior APD Member @APD Officer @Support Team https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook
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  18. Its that time of year, and its time to abuse the RnR faction! The APD Handbook has been superseded towards the RnR faction only! GLHF! Happy April 1st! APD>RNR @Chief of Police @Deputy Chief of Police @Senior APD Member @APD Officer
  19. Me and @ Fraali  have defeated @ Milo and @ batGooseCan  at Golf with friends. #WOMPWOMP #Lbozo #blamemilo 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rexo


      Next game not even done but its safe to say up 2-0 #whatsupbrother

    3. N9ne


      This is the equivalent of beating up a sped kid in highschool

    4. Tman15tmb


      You should get PGA 2k23 if you're up for a real golf challenge haha

  20. Added Improper Handling of Hazardous Materials charge to the ticket guide

    @APD Officer @Senior APD Member


  21. o7 Rafa, I will always cherish our RP adventures undercover! Don't be a stranger and yes I will still continue to harass you and send you memes. It was a privilege to be a staff member and a Sr with you! Nothing but positives can be said for what you have done for this community.
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