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Everything posted by eggmasta

  1. Rip @Kyle Lake taken too soon by his peanut allergy :( 

  2. I really like my Hyper Cloud Revolver S headset tbh
  3. @UnjoIf you were interested in buying an armed huron I think you put yourself out of luck
  4. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Submit a ban appeal and request the evidence.
  5. Well considering he doesnt like milk, I would have to say weak boned
  6. I guess you like weak bones
  7. I dont play arma
  8. Merry Christmas everyone. Now spend some time away from the computer today.

    1. monster


      I've never done such a thing, whats it like?

    2. eggmasta


      1 minute ago, drama is my dad said:

      I've never done such a thing, whats it like?


    3. Tb:)
  9. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198280099985/wishlist
  10. Gonna start streaming some cop play soon


  11. o7
  12. Lol wut are you talking about, i wasnt even at my computer and just looked at battlemetrics and you were banned by an automated trigger not an admin.
  13. Please call me Cornelius so Thaddeus doesn't get confused
  14. Power went out earlier so now im back up :) 

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