Guess what, admins cant roll the servers back and we can't have the one or two people that can roll the servers back on standby 24/7, yeah this sucks, but for the most part, everyone that put in legitimate work (not betting) can most likely be compensated. Staff is the ones most affected by this because we are going to be searching through thousands of lines of logs to answer compensation requests.
I don't think you are aware of the work it takes to search for hacked money through the logs, no staff member (maybe excluding @destruct ) wants to, or more importantly has the time to track down whether the money in a bet was legitimate or not, and we can certainly believe that most people would not be making outrageous bets if they are aware of a rollback or have near infinite money. You also don't realize that we would have to remove the money from the losers' accounts which in many cases won't be possible. We have to draw the line at some point to make operations as quick and efficient as possible. Consider that no staff member is willing to set aside an entire week of their time to dig through logs.
Disclaimer: Staff is not blaming this on the community, we simply wanted to explain that the best case scenario is not feasible anymore because of people laundering and abusing hacked cash. Staff is also not going to take responsibility for what has happened because, believe it or not, many of the problems we have to fix are due to bohemia dev issues. We can only react in these types of situations in the most efficient way possible, that includes factoring in that, recently, our senior development has not exactly had the ability to drop prior IRL commitments (i.e. vacations or classes) to invest hours into fixing the holes in the development of the base game.