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Everything posted by (BurBan)Stealth

  1. Anyone else playing Ark Survival Ascended when the servers go live?

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      im pretty hyped for it truthfully

    2. KermitZooicide


      Yeah, whenever they stop delaying the launch

    3. xsmitherz


      played for the last few hours. all official servers are down and being wiped because they forgot to disable the admin menu so everyone was spawning shit in on official

  2. can confirm I play inverted controls and I'm old as fuck
  3. The perfect stock photo doesn't exi....
  4. Me watching this thread:
  5. Is the titaner on foot? It looks like he's decently far from the coast or being able to titan. If your plan was to wait for the titaner to get in place, and his target is a stationary ghost hawk landed on the ship. You're saying you're going to continue flying parallel until a guy multiple kilometers away gets closer and he only has 40 seconds left. How can ANYTHING meaningful happen in that time frame? I'm pretty sure this is exactly why the admins decided the way they did. This is the main point you're not understanding in my opinion.
  6. To close a gap you can't keep flying parallel to the person. You'll never get any closer. It's just how physical space works.
  7. I was literally thinking the same thing.
  8. Flew a helicopter sideways through the hole in one of the towers. Kind of cool heli-through-tower-stealth.mp4
  9. Make Olympus Great Again. Bring it back to its glory days. Vote Snake for Chief
  10. Burrito Bandits bitch!
  11. Sorry for your loss bud
  12. Why is the Exile Server down right now :( I've been craving some Glorious Knakworst

  13. Bambi Creation Timeout.  FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    1. Adaptation


      Ikr ffs, We gotta wait until server restart 

  14. Just smashed a bunch of idiots on Rocket League.  Who wants to be on the dream team? :D

    1. D3V1L
    2. Froger


      If you're looking for a "serious" teammate goodluck.

  15. Here, take these sarcasm goggles, they may come in handy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dustin87


      Pete is the guy that made all of those Repel the Enemy Jihad videos.

    3. Thomas


      Is burban coming back?

    4. QKSILVR73


      I miss Burban. They always made it fun at least instead of just wrecking you. Even in a redzone too

  17. Breaking out the Go Pro in a public appeal thread. I expect nothing less
  18. Thanks for the shoutout and good luck with everything
  19. #SNAKEISFREEDBOYS!! - If the time stamp doesn't fit you must acquit

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. (BurBan)Stealth


      You couldn't afford me. I charge in Chipotle meals and I get guacamole also

    3. Moose


      Ill just have your mother steal me some burritos then and Ill bottle some snot for you. You wont be able to tell the difference

  20. Definitely fun. I like the new jail site except for the OP reeds that you can't really shoot through
  21. Because none of it was approved by me and they trash talked (In game, that's fine, keep it to an acceptable level) and said things that weren't representative of the rest of the gangs mindset / opinions. Totally unprofessional
  22. I didn't like the podcast. Listened to it after it happened as I was in game during it. Definitely won't be having a similar one again. I apologize to anyone it offended.
  23. I know I wouldn't mind. All my stuff is on server 3 but if it's going to help with testing / getting things going smoothly then I'm all for it.
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