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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Xlax

  1. peepay gay! @ Peapay i am your #1 hater!!
  2. This is size 72, not 70.
  3. Hey man, I couldn't read this post, the text was too small. Is there any way you could make the text bigger?
  4. hey guys, I just started on my music career and dropped my first song. I'd love if you all can show some support.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Franxx


      we making it out of the hood w this one

    3. L1on


      That guy kind of looks like @ Clashingtin

    4. Clashingtin


      @ L1on if I was black I would KMS

  5. o7 we will miss u we def had some good memories while we were both grinding for sAPD or early on into it, hope to still see u hop on here and there
  6. Xlax

    Still exists eh?

    holy shit I have not heard NSM in a long time, only other person that still plays from it is @ Mc Pooperson i think, I was NSM devon back in the day and I was also in plague under my current name
  7. i ain't readin allat
  8. A cheater will pop up in every gang from time to time. They get banned, it's as simple as that. I did not say that the gang is actively cheating. The gang I was talking about was Teamplayers, when I was in it. ONE of the bans was someone using a lag switch, and the other ban was an actual scripting ban. If ANY staff member finds that someone is cheating with evidence, they get banned. In Nemesis, I have yet to find someone who is cheating. (Which means I have not). Also, I have no idea what you're talking about with the helicopter thing, you'd have to send me the clip so I can see what you mean. Also, that was entirely not my point. You have have misinterpreted my message.
  9. I did indeed do this, yes.
  10. If I was to handle a report within my own gang, I would treat them the same as everyone else. Ask anyone who has had me in their gang, they will agree. I have banned my own gang quite a few times, back when I was in Teamplayers especially. I placed 2 scripting bans on players in the gang, and other bans for minor rule infractions as well. I have literally witnessed my own gang members doing something insanely stupid in game and live banned them before. I don't remember who exactly, but someone (in my gang) VDMed a medic heli with all of us in it, I live banned him on the spot and revived everyone / compensated the medic. A lot of the staff would really do the same, we are not nearly as bias as people may claim or want to believe. We are all members of the community who have had a LOT of experience on the server (I've been a consistent player since 2016), and we care about the server's best interest and want to do our best to keep it alive. We all voulenteer our time to the server to be a staff member (Yes, we get in game perks), but aside from that, pretty much all of us do it because we care about the server and the community.
  11. The admin that denied the report isn't in the gang, nor a part of it in any capacity. lol afaik, I am the ONLY staff member in nemesis, and I do not handle any reports including them because of stupid accusations like this.
  12. happy birthday @ DABESTeva

    RIP the legend. 

  13. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/SWAT_Handbook
      • 9
      • Like
      • Nuke
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      • Kreygasm
      • BlessUp
  14. https://gyazo.com/b79613562f6d1174029ea2a5b422229a

    909m arco mar10 shot while bro is running 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ares


      turn the cheats off plz thx

    3. Xlax


      @ ares I do not think I will

    4. jig


      i can see sssv5 still going strong so proud 

  15. @ -dante- yo?
  16. PSA :

    If you are not able to seize Y-Inventory during a fed or any other situation, put it into a vehcile and search it, BUT it HAS to be called clear, otherwise it is combat searching.

    @APD Officer

    1. MAV


      Howwwwwever… once you sell…. That moneys going straight to the bank….;)

  17. congrats to my kitten @ Lucien

  18. I alone have probably spent over 100 hours spectating people in big gangs. I have banned quite a few cheaters. We do look, but sometimes it isn’t as 100% obvious as we would like it to be. We can’t ban players based off of a feeling, we need to be sure of it, otherwise, a LOT of people would get false banned and the server would not have a good reputation. I have also banned people in my own gang multiple times for scripting and hold a 0 tolerance policy against it. Ask anyone in TP. They have experienced me banning people in the gang for cheating while being in the gang.
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