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Everything posted by RogueOvert

  1. How's it going lads?

  2. Started this server when I was 15-ish, can't believe its been 3 years    :  D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka


      1 hour ago, Ham said:

      I started the server when I was fourteen, played for two years and stopped, now I'm 18. xd

      It’s a shame the server lost us, actually the best squeakers to touch the game 

    3. RubberDuck


      I was in high school and now graduating college. <3 @Ham

    4. Ham


      I know right @Linka. Now I’m washed at every video game I play. 

  3. The absolute worst event I have ever taken part in. Message says don't camp gunstore and every cop starts flocking to the gunstore in waves. Bullshit

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fushigi


      yeah if i do another one cops wont be allowed they kinda ruined it/;

    3. -dante-


      If you allow cops just tell them they are not allowed near gun store and medics are immune. Ezpz. 

  4. DDosing pussy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      59 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

      Sorry clicked the wrong button :Kappa:


    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      4 hours ago, Ignis said:


      Yes he is no Ice Poseidon 


    4. Savage
  5. Fuck negativity.

    Do you. 

    Have a great fucking day.

  6. From what I have seen Boonie create he is pretty familiar with editing and video making type things. He has made alot of little funny video memes that are cool as shit. Seen a few legit videos of his as well. Pretty cool stuff, Trust.
  7. So as of today I officially am going back full time into Olympus. I have drained out all of my other games and gotten to the point of not even playing anything. So, as a (year or maybe two?) (actually 292 days) long member of this server.... I am asking all of my toxic brethren, rook wielding fresh spawns, and crooked cops to band together and have some more badass times on this server. Let's make Olympus great again guys. Also, let us yite on them goofy fools. https://gyazo.com/91bf6c0653d5ad589e7e5dbc41e9e157 Perfect example
  8. Show my B O I some love!

  9. 23
  10. LOL
  11. Just a thing
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