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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. i agree with dj. if you are getting 60fps or better just save your money til the next gen stuff comes out
  2. can't wait for my new 1440p monitor to get here...tired of playing on a tv

    1. Dustin87


      Prepare for that frame loss thomas!

    2. Thomas


      my gtx 980 will bitch slap that monitor

    3. Big B

      Big B

      Get on my level Thomas... The 4k level.

  3. I can watch porn at work but I can't sign into teamspeak...o well *fap fap fap*
  4. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--eKByx545--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ysvqy33f88w2bvmtscof.jpg Grandma Gary's car...nuff said
  5. I stand corrected

    1. wrice4


      At least sit down.

  6. the last 2 days I played an hour and a half and then listened to 3 to 4 hours of complaining and talking about rules...3rd nights the charm

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Exactly why I quit "Temp-but-perm-but-temp"

  7. stop giving the admins shit and more shit to do and play the damn game...you do what i tell you

    1. DeathDingo


      I agree, everyone needs to stop being "experts" and just have fun :)

    2. MidgetMuncher


      no point no one is ever on server 2 anymore :/

    3. D3V1L
  8. can I say allah ackbar before I blow up my suicide vest? or is that terrorism? so I can kill you but not call you a fag before doing so? I think people are making the admins jobs a lot harder than it has to be. Lets play the game and have fun...if you are not having fun why are you playing?
  9. all im saying is if someone is harassing you send in the ticket...how the hell you gonna make a rule for harassment? If they say anything mean 3 times in a row its harassment? One time? How you define harassment and I define harassment are probably two completely different ways...who is right? I could of submitted so many tickets for harassment under your guys definition of harassment. It is what it is so go ahead and start giving special treatment to whoever you feel like it. Im not saying harassment is ok either at all so don't get it twisted.
  10. so we all have to be nice when we shoot each other now...hands up or die please...you know how many times Ive been raped in jail...or out of jail...in front of cops...come on you guys have got to be freaking kidding me...if you really think someone is harassing you submit the ticket don't give anybody special treatment...that's what this server has always been about...if someone comes up to me and says I fucked your mother in the ass what you gonna do and I shoot them in front of a cop I would be sent straight to jail for rdm and I expect the same from the female players but obviously not because they are getting special treatment now for no reason.
  11. Its a game about murder and selling drugs...that is all I have to say
  12. Who cares if they make money or not. Its not our business.
  13. this is fucking hilarious...If he only knew what arma 3 altis life is about
  14. I'm only 7......oh your talking about age I thought you were bragging about nevermind
  15. RIP CROOK...RIP POTP...The drama is real

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QKSILVR73
    3. DeathDingo


      I just want to hear "put your f#**in hands up" the famous words of Thomas :)

    4. Dustin87


      Only if you were jizzing for me thomas ;)

  16. *peter griffin voice* shut up meg. but seriously I don't care if they snort coke off of a dead hooker as long as the server stays up. That is all the donations are for and even if the server does go down i have like 1300hrs on olympus and I think I've got my moneys worth...best 100 I ever spent. Thanks for the fun now eveybody get off the forums and get in game help out the server population.
  17. Based on Hades' stance on lasagna and mondays...i think he might be garfield

  18. I think if someone is a good player and is mature let him play apd who cares. On a side note fire dustin and put his little brother as apd #MATTSHANKS4PRESIDENT
  19. I don't mind if they are younger than 16...also I think cops who are younger than 16 are cool too
  20. I don't think Olympus is really hurting, on the weekends the servers are pretty full and during the weekdays they are low but thats how its always been pretty much. Also mecka keeps getting taken out of my last post, is mecka a bad word lol
  21. I've cheated on Olympus a couple times with Asylum and . Here is my honest opinion of all the servers. Asylum is fucking crazy with Rdm and is for the most part chaos. Play Asylum if you wanna hang in Kavala getting rdm'd every minute and watch people ram each other and medics tell you to fuck off faggot and blow up their vehicles. Mekka you can make a billion dollars in a day. Play if you want to be rich off a quadbike run and get no satisfaction robbing someone of a million dollars or not give a damn if you get shot with a mk 200 loadout. Olympus has a good balance of chaos which is usually in kavala where it needs to be and you have to work and play smart to make money but its not too hard like everyone complains about. Olympus has a great balance of everything and also the community it has built up is the best I have met a lot of people who I consider my friends and actually miss when they are not around. So Olympus for life, Asylum for rdming, and Mekka for idk.
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