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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Lose vigi license for having 1 robbery?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JAMIE


      and here I thought staff/civ reps got the most hate....nope vigis....lmao

    3. Morgan Freeman

      Morgan Freeman

      Any cop will take any chance they have at revoking someones vigi license 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Greaseball apd having nothing better to do than camp event locations and seize all your stuff. 

  2. The big gangs that always have the cartels don't need any help imo

  4. 24th STS was the 1st gang i joined...pretty sure mcdili's also
  5. Retarded retards

  6. How did he try to rdm you? You shot at him first. You are telling me if someone shoots at your vehicle and it only hits your vehicle not you that you are not engaged?
  7. It was hilarious when I was getting trained cuz the whole time trident gum was flying overhead and yelling shit at the gate...Good times

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Bro that is legit all A Team does.

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      God bless A Team 

      ks 2.0

  10. I wanna make it rain in Kavala square on the broke ass cops.  Give me an option to throw money at poor people I wanna watch them pick up trash.  

    1. QKSILVR73
    2. DeadPool


      I mean look at the richest players list majority of them are cops soooooo

    3. Thomas


      Still plenty of broke ass deputies

  11. Maybe make a minimum amout of money to have like 5 mil to bet so people don't gamble their Altis life away
  12. My mouth is gaped due to the fact you payed money for that GARBAGE game
  13. Ya every time they release one of these shitty DLCs it screws the game up for a while. I'm sure more bugs will arise.
  14. I walked to work in the rain and when I got there everyone was laughing at me. I said "wtf are you guys laughing at?" Somebody asked me why I was wet. I said "cuz its fucking raining retard" He then pointed to the umbrella under my armpit.
  15. Hey someone remembers me. Also I don't see too many situations where POs need an sdar except in water which is fine. What are we gonna have a bunch of POs going into a fed on 3rd wave with sdars?
  16. Who cares about the sdar? Is it because it doesn't taze or something? Its a shitty weapon you can't put a scope on, so just deny every request for that pos.
  17. Ham for Sgt...am i doing this right

    1. Dustin87


      No you need more flame in your post.

    2. BENJI


      Sadly, last I heard, Ham can't get Sergeant. :( Feelsbad

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