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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. I'm done recording and taking up all my hard drive space so i am now streaming on twitch. Come check me out having fun and getting rektd. Hit me up with some advice on the stream because i am new to the steaming and sure i'm doing something wrong. http://www.twitch.tv/the_gamer_known_as_thomas
  2. Better to have been held at gunpoint than to never have been held at all.

  3. tired of having hundreds of hours of gameplay taking up my hard drive space so I am gonna start streaming my gameplay on twitch

  4. Very solid build you will be very happy
  5. All the old timers are giving up altis. I understand why after a while it kinda gets old and I'm getting to that point myself. Even tho I never really played with you papamunski or snake I hate seeing the vets of the server go.
  6. I didn't give you the finger...you earned it

  7. going to florida for a week and moving to my new house when i get back so i wont be on for a while.

  8. Take all the time you need. I'll be patiently waiting to rob you when you get back so don't worry.
  9. Since everyone is here did anyone lose a stack of hundred dollar bills with a rubber band wrapped around it?? Bcuz I found the rubber band.
  10. 900k in 30mins ill do anything except suck your......nevermind ill do anything
  11. you get me a i5 for Christmas I won't complain.
  12. You're the jelly to my burger, the knife to my soup, the glitter to my sushi, and the ketchup to my ice cream. My point is, you're a worthless piece of shit.

  13. Wtf....I have a high end pc and I only get 20 - 30 fps. My computer is weird like me. I get the same frames with the settings on low as I do with the settings turned all the way up. I have a amd fx 8320 cpu evga gtx 780 with acx cooler 3ssds for steam and os and a mechanical hard drive for backup storage. Also my internet is the fastest I can get in my town. I get 50mb down and 5mb up with a ping from 20 to 50 and its hard wired instead of wireless. Also when I start recording it doesn't affect my frames...HELP!!!......I want 60 frames
  14. *silently starts masterbating*.........am I doing this right?
  15. people say nothing is impossible but I do nothing everyday

  16. I hate it when homeless people shake their cup of coins at me, like yeah, I know you have more money than me. No need to rub it in.

    1. teckub aka bucket

      teckub aka bucket

      if you were ever homless you would have understand..

    2. PO Box
  17. 4 crate house with garage nearby in abdera near coke fields server 2 pm me here
  18. O YA!!! Call me Miley Cyrus cuz I just made armor responder amd the wrecking ball is coming through

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      be careful a lot of people try and rob you for your hemmit because some people dont know the bloody rules.

    2. DeathDingo
  19. I have a house and garage combo in abdera by coke fields server 2 pm me
  20. I should change my name to laxative because I make shit happen

  21. 25kills 147deaths beat that virus
  22. I want to create a post so people can brag about their stats so ill go first...pretty impressive right 25 Kills 147 Deaths 160 Revives 0 Arrests Made $0 Bounties received 157.447 Km Distance travelled (foot) 2348.76 Km Distance travelled (vehicle) 3551 Minutes Playtime Civ 0 Minutes Playtime Cop 1081 Minutes Playtime R&R
  23. Had sex like a Jedi tonight. She said no, so I used "the force".

    1. Papamunski


      bloody hell thomas lmao

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