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Everything posted by Harpoon

  1. thats the point though, make those squeaker fucks work harder so we can rob their runs...
  2. why? This is a great fucking idea, a whole other dynamic. Shit i can just be a scumlord now.
  3. Making me think, wonder if there any to script it so we could rent our house inventory space? As in if I have a two crater I rent out half of the storage for a given fee structure built in the game, similar to how the housing in game market works now.
  4. Love it, and if you cant afford your property tax, you risk losing your house like irl. Would be a good way to refresh houses/garages as well. Wonder if you could also adjust the tax based on location, as in houses near a processor require more tax?
  5. 3.5 mil for wp
  6. Its a freaking tease of a vest, shite
  7. Anyone notice that the Tier V vest is complete shite. 2 9mm shots/ 1 6.5 and your dead.
  8. Interested in the Plat House, 2/3 crater?
  9. Hahah
  10. Looking to sell DP9 garage
  11. I want it badder than John Wayne does
  12. Ill sell them at 399K for 10
  13. I agree, especially with poseidon's talk of creating a modded server with a new map. Something like this could be a great stepping stone and testing arena. Just altis life as it is, but with some conservative modding e.g. clothes, guns, and vehicles.
  14. 9 belts of mk200 ammo, 8 Titan rockets, multiple grenades and we'll over an hour fighting the cops without getting one kill, this is how you newb.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harpoon


      I had them surrounded with inaccurate shots, and dumb fired rockets.

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      You stopped them from running around and shooting the guys who know how to aim :D

    4. Harpoon


      Yah that exactly what I intended

  15. Steam Workshop's auto updates works well for Breaking point's integrated launcher, wonder if it would be easy enough to code a basic launcher that simply syncs the workshop files?
  16. This would be a great idea, should do a pledge drive to get it going for server, dev time etc, I'd personally thow in $50 or more to see this thing started.
  17. Takistan Life Arma 3 Kerbal Space Program Space Engineers Minecraft Rust
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