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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Lil throwback to Corporal Fleury

  2. kid youre permed back to asylum
  3. When @TrapNazio doesn't get sgt you know shits rigged.

  4. Imagine getting ddosed daily and as soon as you go to retaliate you get permed. sit retard
  5. ddosers don't get opinions. fuck off little jewish rat
  6. Extrentic


    nigga why would someone want that
  7. You’re cooked
  8. Give offers for the 6.5 suppressor
  9. 901k
  10. He duped his shit don’t buy
  11. Mk-1 taser sold
  12. Selling mk-1 taser for 1 mil
  13. 700k
  14. no chill ecksdee
  15. Ecksdee aren’t you the one who got kicked from DB for being dogshit
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