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Dank MeeMoo

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About Dank MeeMoo

  • Birthday 06/02/2002

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  1. So a new gun's been added that doesn't do damage. You can shoot at people while they drive past you, shoot right at their head, and shoot at their heli all while they probably won't be able to tell the difference because it just got added. AND it isn't engagement?? This is such blatant baiting to rip ranks. Not to mention it makes the glass breaking sound so you think you're getting shot at from far away but you can't actually know because "MAYBE FLARE GUN". How is this a good idea?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Noahhh!


      This might just be me, but the sound of a flare gun is pretty distinctive. I get what you mean though. Can be misleading for sure.

    3. Unjo


      If I shoot something with a flare gun I would 100% expect to get clapped back. 

    4. Strikke


      Just go around shooting at EVERYONE and then get them banned because it doesn't engage :) 10/10

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