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Dank MeeMoo

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dank MeeMoo

  1. I don't care about my money at all so who wants to do a 40mil bet with @Coffee as a moderator to make sure no one get's scammed.
  2. Respond with your price or dm me if you want
  3. I really don’t see this happening at all, the only times I’ve ever been with a higher up who is raiding houses the always ask for evidence of them interacting, making sure they can see their name above them and if they evidence is just barely not good enough then they’ll not raid it from my experiences
  4. I don’t think any of this would enhance the apd. What frustrates me the most about the apd is that a single sgt and a deputy are more effective and useful than ten Pos. The power of the higher ranks is incredibly unbalanced but I also know no way to fix this that wouldn’t either nerf the sapd into oblivion or make lower ranks dummy op.
  5. Looks like this will go on forever @Caleb Snackbar
  6. Bois lets just make a Olympus origin account this can be a group effort, sharing is caring
  7. Not sure how much they cost so you would need to give me a price
  8. I feel I should be allowed to metagame this
  9. How much for a rpg and ten rockets
  10. Half of the people one Olympus are incels you think they aren’t rards aswell ?
  11. To be fair some people have hundreds/ thousands of dollars worth of money in their bank if they sold it
  12. I’ve been bet by somewhat while I bet someone at the same time doing two bets so that could probably go really bad with a 50 mil bet
  13. Deal I’ll give you my 20k in my bank
  14. Does anybody know of a way to practice flying tier 4 helicopters without spending a few hundred thousand in game just to blow it up?
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