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Everything posted by last

  1. @kev has it
  2. https://gyazo.com/cbabdae38e668b5ded550b2c6b6c52b3 pretty much good for heli runs what i did was fill 3 crater then pro in a heli and dump off the prod shit at the 2 crater.... offers below ---------------------
  3. Damn straight
  4. Thanks to everyone who congratulated me!

  5. ill sell you a hunter for 1m
  6. deal
  7. https://gyazo.com/6f4ea1c6a65ec986d3e738fc5ee98277 offers
  8. last


    Lethal cmr place offers
  9. 1.5m for the kav 0 crater rebel house?
  10. Nice
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