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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Imagine thinking black is a color. It's a shade you mong
  2. @Ryan please make a casino. I want to play blackjack on the server.
  3. Happy birthday bud! My birthday is the 28th as well! I turned 23 today
  4. I've been snowboarding since I was 10 (22 now). Don't have pictures of my board, it's in storage at the moment. I don't really go out often, I live in missouri and we have one resort, and sometimes in december it's 60 degrees. I have a 2011 5150 Vice (Expensive when I didn't have a job, board still does me good) and Flow Alpha bindings. I can usually go once or twice a year, but I'm always busy with work now. Also it's more tiring once you're not a kid/teen anymore. My legs always feel like jello the next day now
  5. Jax

    new stats

    How to check my gambles?
  6. If this is the OG FrankieTwinkletoes from when I started a few years ago, get fucked idiot. Always use to rob me doing legal runs when I started. Poser
  7. Na fam it's the deputies that get a massive hard on over a 60k bounty will do something. Like If I'm on APD and the square is poppin but no one is killing eachother you could have a 200k+ bounty I ain't gonna fuck with the peace to get 60k of it
  8. Aye I have my CFOT and CFOS/H, but I sadly don't use those certs at my job I do IT for hospitals in my area. Mostly get paid to watch netflix because everything goes smoothly until our business operations team decide to push an update to multiple hospitals and it breaks the program.
  9. Jax

    I'm back

    Who is this?
  10. That's rookie numbers @Froxo
  11. Shooter (both movie and tv show) American made Sex drive (don't watch unrated first) Man on a ledge (Loved this movie)
  12. Thanks for the autism
  13. indica if yo boy is smoking, he wants to turn into an actual stone. I ain't moving
  14. This as well
  15. From my understanding is that it's going to be it's own stand alone server. Stats, money, cars, don't transfer over. That's what I heard.
  16. Roleplays with a 800k+ bounty for 30 minutes, bounty gets rooked banged by his buddy, then gets mad when we say "yo bro why did you roleplay for so long" like facts, I love roleplaying, but a bounty that big I try to take 10 minutes or less if they want to roleplay
  17. So tired of shit posting
  18. Wrong section you fucking mong
  19. Na only girl I fuck is your mom. Rekt downy. I'm also only fat because she feeds me every time I fuck her. So I'm like 600 pounds you retard
  20. Yikes I always feel bad for someone who was gifted an extra chromosome when they were conceived
  21. I got a req, but I'll pay 200k
  22. Jax

    yay or nay

    Thanks for the AIDS douchebag
  23. Car-95-1. I'm always on the bench of a hummingbird, so shit is great, send a text engagement, proceed to shoot out tires or the fleeing driver ??? profit
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