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Everything posted by yoppa

  1. yoppa


    Helping Pablo train, obv the best to train him
  2. 4m + mar10 taser + mk1 taser
  3. yoppa

    WTS gear

    You still have 7.62 sup?
  4. ig my offer wasn't good enough, im out!
  5. yoppa

    WTS stuffs

    Can you just like give me the .50 cal mags for free?
  6. Easy fix. Delete Olympus.
  7. yoppa


    Was just curious because I just got one for free and didn’t think it’s be worth that much.
  8. yoppa


    I thought an armed quilin was worth like 3m?
  9. Sure, so 5 Mk’s for 5m
  10. @MAV I’ll buy all 6 mk1 tasers was thinking 6m
  11. Heyyyy Bralls, eta on sup?
  12. Ronin, what gang are you from? Because I got the one I have off of Mav
  13. Would it be taken though?
  14. @Outcast I also have one, is there anyway to find out if it’s duped or not? And if it is duped would it be taken from me?
  15. yoppa


    Never forget. o7 DraMa. Gonna miss you. - yoppa
  16. If I get some sort of confirmation it’s not duped I’ll buy
  17. Would you take a vehicle for all of it?
  18. yoppa

    [WTS] Armed Qilin

    @Twitchy couldn’t pm for some reason so 2.5m?
  19. yoppa

    [WTB] Ghosthawk

    yeah I saw, I put on offer for 22m but wasn't sure if they sold yet so I figured I'd make my own post to buy one.
  20. hmu if you have one, willing to buy for 23m Will not be on Monday (02/25) or Tuesday (02/26)
  21. 22m? if you still have one..
  22. don't "L o l" me, you nerd, I need some money.
  23. My bad completely forgot about that shit, but it should be fixed now.
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