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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. got like 30 already srry
  2. Taser Mar-10 Spar-16s Any Sgt+ Uniforms (When ever i get one i get cucked out of uni shit) Type 115 (Cant find the 2 corp's that run one :/) MxSw Mx3Gl Will Buy in Bulk Mx's Spar16's and MxM's and 6.5 Stanag mags. (Can waste my time to transport 1 Mx) Cardboard Vest (Robbing Deputies is way to much work) Got anything not listed here feel free to post and i will consider it
  3. Toxic
  4. @McDili Did he train you?
  5. Best part of my day. love when some shitter yells Fail rp in my ears
  6. Welp there goes my ip seya next GW
  7. I personal prefer a diffrent kind of Pods But you do you
  8. What the fuck does this look like a high school bathroom?
  9. Buy 3 crater for 4 mil?
  10. 1.3 mi
  11. Thats a lot of oooof
  12. What you looking for spar-16s my dude?
  13. I don't know who did that deal but usually Mk-1 tazer go for 1.3-1.5 mil I only really deal with guns can't say about the vest atleast that's what I have seen the last like 4 mk's sold for
  14. As a Moderator and former Dep. Chief do you feel having a Admin as chief of police will be a good or a bad thing for the future of the APD?
  15. Same as google
  16. How much for mk1?
  17. I think it depends from Senior to Senior if they feel you are confident enough to be a officer
  18. 1.1 mil
  19. how much you looking for?
  20. Will there also be updates about Escort Mission's and how to respond to them in the next few days?
  21. Okay i get the first post and most agree we probably shouldn't be demoted but at this point it's time to drop this meme and move on if @Sapd was going to reinstate us they would have by now so at this point we might as well take the L and move on. And hopefully they will give us PO back eventually to combat the new Somalian menace that is in our skies our field our hills and our cities.
  22. I just dont get it why we should even try it like us shit talking each other's not going to advance either side i highly doubt there going to give are PO back by complaining on the forums
  23. @Pledge @dubVee @Luke Duke Lets just put our dicks away and stop having this pissing match i am sure if we play and continue to be active we will get our PO back and i hope Sapd understands that this wasn't us trying to purposefully waste time and wont hold this to hard against us i really don't think taking this onto the forums is a smart idea and is wasting everyone's time.
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