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Everything posted by Montez

  1. Montez

    o7 Rez

    o7, [ - ] Rez i'll miss you homie
  2. well damn, Happy Birthday bro @tacosmell

  3. @Lukeee you're fucking retarded kid holy shit

  4. honestly, you were toxic asf when i first ran up on you in kav. but you never seemed like a complete retard. #UnbanXanx always gonna tease you over this one tho : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTLsbVxMdfI
  5. Montez


    this is a very upepic roleplayer moment
  6. Montez

    o7 Gamers

    1st off: o7 bro, i'll miss you ;-; 2nd off: smh, no @ for a lispy boy?
  7. @EricZ is a bitch, you made dad leave


    1. EricZ


      dad never loved ur bitchass anyway

  8. it was such a good shitpost too :c

  9. Happy birthday to @Dank MeeMoo.
    You're toxic :wub:

  10. Montez


    nah, you're 38 bud. blacklisted for lying about age
  11. don't let anything distract you from the fact that Price has a new VA.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metal


      Tbf its a reboot of Modern Warfare, which means price is younger

    3. Montez


      3 hours ago, Metal said:

      Tbf its a reboot of Modern Warfare, which means price is younger

      How'd a muppet like you pass selection?
      you can't tell me you wouldn't have preferred THE Price

    4. Millennium


      that moment you realize Ghost would still technically be alive since MW2 wouldn't happen yet. :4head:

  12. if you ever @ me in a post like this again, you're getting lagswitched
  13. what? the Olympus community, toxic? nahhhhhhhh
  14. W H Y  I S  E V E R Y O N E 
    T Y P I N G  L I K E  T H I S?

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