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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. Now Google is no longer a boy, nor a man. He has become a L E G E N D Cause that's pretty fucking funny lmao Also, what proof was shown on Majed that he actually committed an act of ddosing someone or just that he had a booter cause I would like to see that as his attorney
  2. I can actually vouch for this, Google did joke about this shit alot he never actually ddos'd anyone
  3. Wouldn't know you'd have to ask one of the few banned
  4. Honestly, I'm not sure how they "proved" it, no clue as to why they thought we were either.
  5. Majed, Savage, and Proud some of us are away rn so we're not sure if anyone else got banned
  6. o7 boys it was a good run @Proud

    @Savage @Majed I will miss you :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. obeymatt


      No one is missing them except u , u can go with them if u want 

    3. vedalkenn


      9 minutes ago, obeymatt said:

      No one is missing them except u , u can go with them if u want 

      ill toxic you >:^(

    4. DeadPool


      19 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      Good riddance, fuck those packet slingers

      Packet Slingers im fucking dead 

  7. unbanme freeved fuckyou @Noliver unban me from serenity ts or ill sell your cat im not high your high for thinking i am 

    1. Majed


      dude how do you get banned from that fat chef

    2. vedalkenn


      5 hours ago, Majed said:

      dude how do you get banned from that fat chef

      because he said i was to high and banned me

  8. clacked, o7 pill man
  9. vedalkenn


    Yeah I just thought I would mention it, wasn't trying to be mean
  10. vedalkenn


    literally few people have been actually unpermed, yes some with harsher offenses have been but there really aren't to many they have like Kitui, and Valkyrie were unpermed but that has been about it, the asylum admins at the moment don't take to kindly to certain things at this period of time. From when you've played it has changed a lot considering I have almost been permed over "harassment" even though it was posting a meme about an admin. It's changed like a lot
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