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Ricky Spanish

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About Ricky Spanish

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  1. To be honest, the vigilante situation is ridiculous. Every time you log in, there is an entire gang of them just hanging out in the city, and they walk around with their guns out, don't ever RP correctly, and just pretty much make the game not fun in a lot of instances. They should have to keep their guns holstered like everyone else. There should also be repercussions for not RPing correctly. Saying "hands up" and immediately firing because you want a bounty and then immediately escorting a player to jail happens so often that it would take most of my day to upload every video in which this happens. There needs to be some balance here. Maybe only allow a certain number of players as vigi in slots when you log in like medics or police, and if those slots are full you can't play as one. I feel if you are a vigi with your gun out you should be able to be considered a threat and engaged immediately if that's how you want to play. There isn't any time to react when you can be instantly tased with no RP. To be honest, the vigilante situation is ridiculous. Every time you log in, there is an entire gang of them just hanging out in the city, and they walk around with their guns out, don't ever RP correctly, and just pretty much make the game not fun in a lot of instances. They should have to keep their guns holstered like everyone else. There should also be repercussions for not RPing correctly. Saying "hands up" and immediately firing because you want a bounty and then immediately escorting a player to jail happens so often that it would take most of my day to upload every video in which this happens. There needs to be some balance here. Maybe only allow a certain number of players as vigi in slots when you log in like medics or police, and if those slots are full you can't play as one. I feel if you are a vigi with your gun out you should be able to be considered a threat and engaged immediately if that's how you want to play. There isn't any time to react when you can be instantly tased with no RP. There also is rarely every a police presence in Kavala to enforce any vigilante activity so the vigilantes just act like assholes because they take over square. I do not know how to edit or delete a post.
  2. Hmm everyone against this seems to be Altis PD.
  3. Yeah, I get that. But there are ways to make it better. Allow security tiers for houses like cars to extend the time it takes to break in, homeowners insurance, have to lockpick crates, limit the time to break into the crates or trunk once the boltcutter has been used etc.
  4. Yeah. It was a thing. I've been around the block here for a few years.
  5. You used to be able to access crates and trunk. What is the point of having the bolt cutters at all if you can't rob the house?
  6. So a colleague of mine and I allegedly broke into a person's residence using bolt cutters, but the crates and trunk were still not accessible. Do you need something else now? Asking for a friend.
  7. He did submit a ban appeal and it was ignored. He got permed for breaking NLR. Come on man.

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      In due time, if he feels strongly about it tell him to re-submit one.  Knowing Conan, he probably didn't "just break NLR" he probably broke NLR on top of break a plethora of other server rules while on a tight leash.  In the mean time, sucks to suck I suppose.

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      This ends here. Stop writing about the same thing over and over again. The next post about the same thing I will end up moderating your account. 

  8. I have been advised not to confirm or deny anything at this time.
  9. The title says it all. Payment will be in the form of beach house timeshare, high-quality professionally-made commercial, or lockpicks.
  10. 1. Most Dominate Gang : Kavala Valet Service / Kavala Scats 2. Favorite Player : Vondrex 3. Favorite current APD Member : McDili 4. Favorite R&R Member : All of them <3 5. Favorite former APD member : Trenton the God 6. Favorite former R&R : Trenton the God 7. Kavala Troll Kings: Conan the Destroyer, Ricky Spanish, Trenton the God, Whiskey Pete, Fred the Friendly RDMer 8. Favorite time on the server : Being arrested by McDili and him checking under the seat for something, only to find his car missing. And stealing McDili's car on Thanksgiving. 9. Funniest Moment : Landing a chopper on Pinkstreak's chopper during tense APD operations. 10. Something you want in the community : Crack Cocaine / Jetpacks 11. Favorite Quote : "It is THANKSGIVING, Ricky Spanish!"
  11. As a member of Kavala Valet Service, Crimeshare.com, and Banshare.com, I fully endorse this message.
  12. I know Conan, and I can tell you that he may be the creator of a lot of diseases, but he had no aids helping him.
  13. As the Sr. Marketing Director, I can tell you all that this business is legitimate. Please join today!
  14. 43 kills, 132 deaths. Beat that! I kinda suck at pvp. I'm a lover not a fighter.
  15. I wasn't trying to stir things up. I just wanted to at least tell my side of the story.
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