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Everything posted by Corps

  1. Count me in!
  2. $3000 would be nice college is a wallet whore
  3. Geez @MAV, it’s like you didn’t read
  4. I won’t be home until 9ish PST. Keep it warm for me would you
  5. Keep one and I’ll pay more for it when I’m home from work.
  6. How much?
  7. Are they gone?
  8. Why you gotta hate?
  9. Processors are on good deals today too! On amazon the I7 6700k is like $120 off
  10. I smell a soundboard coming
  11. Corps


    Don’t listen to RDyer. He’s a windows key warrior only
  12. The titles of these posts always pull me in @Hadi Mokdad
  13. What is vocab
  14. This is the one I have and its great!! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HY7PAUC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. Lol at Vigis trying to camp war zone. They are drastically under powered for that nonsense
  16. What size are you looking for?
  17. This is brought up nearly every week. Vigis are fine and are not going to be removed. Just know how to notice a vigi and don’t get caught.
  18. Spiderman for sure
  19. Congrats my man on your newest position B)

  20. Shit. I’d see this because of Ryan Renolds
  21. I apparently live under a rock because I had no idea this was a thing until now
  22. Corps


    Hello good sir, Millennium sir
  23. Top tier meme usage right there
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