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Shabiki Bakur al-Baad

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Everything posted by Shabiki Bakur al-Baad

  1. It's actually easier to kill him than it is for him to kill you.
  2. u ban me for the racism, but n word by itself is not racist? not cool dude? it is not like i have something against the black men or anything, i just say n word instead of black men because it easier. i m not a racist btw.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KrispyK
    3. bigSMOKE


      you rdm me then log 

    4. JAMIE


      OR you could just call him a man. 99% of the context you use that word in is racist. even if you use it as a example of what someone else said its still can be racist. act like this with your friends where you wont offend someone directly, not on a forum where anyone can see.

  3. read a book contemplate why you play videogames quit videogames
  4. I think that by "whose your favorite elf" you mean "who's your favorite elf"
  5. no it's not, you want a screenshot of my bank accoutn?
  6. i know where this house is and it is worth billions.
  7. why does nobody like me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Africa


      tenk u

      @Shabiki Bakur al-Baad panera is just jealous of you i heard he gay 2

    3. Shabiki Bakur al-Baad
    4. Temple


      can you low-key keep me out of the suicide note please

  8. we are still breathing but i might need to change name cause people don't take seriously
  9. I can get 10 war points in my sleep. Why would I waste my time buying them?
  10. intel and nvidia suck
  11. jealous?
  12. the "retarded shit" i post is not useless asswhip. asswipe
  13. why don't you ever like them, then?
  14. Carrier Rig GL is best vest in game and is only obtainable through war points thank you for reading this message.
  15. All I see in this are things I could have done better. Thank you for reading this message.
  16. Hello, this is Shakibi Bakur al-Baad, renowned Draven main, and I am looking for a team to participate in the League of Legends gang wars with me. Right now I have 1 person, including me, so if you are interested in forming a team, please message me. Must be level 30 League of Legends player. Serious messages only, please. Girls are allowed by the way.
  17. By the way, I'm unbanned for my massive rdm in 2.5 days, so there will be haters dropping the second I am unbanned. Watch out.
  18. So everyone's just jealous because Sarrah is my girlfriend? that's fucked.
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