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Kyle Lake

Retired Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kyle Lake

  1. Congrats @Mike Pence, You're going to be a great supervisor!

    1. Mike Pence
    2. drama


      You’re* :4head:

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      what are you talking about?:Kappa:

  2. Congrats to @Destruct on becoming Supervisor! 

    1. destruct


      Thanks big dude

  3. Congrats @Google 


  4. #Google4CivRep

    A vote for Google is a Vote for Olympus


  5. I will just put this here lol4C629D2010EBC4DEABF6C3FD0599DF8E1A742C7A

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Kavala Space Program reaches it's highest heights!

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You appear to be breaking the speed limits.

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