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yung matt

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Everything posted by yung matt

  1. https://gyazo.com/2a2c1a48861ef10c76806efd3392dadc offer.
  2. I remember playing with you and monster for a bit before I got perm'd. I think that what you did (trying to get yourself perm'd) was a good decision. Even though when I got perm'd, I got pretty mad because I didn't want to get perm'd, I am glad I did get perm'd because this is just a video game just meant for entertainment and fun times. So, with that being said I congratulate you for openly admitting your mistakes and apologizing to this community. I think you learned your lesson, so I wish you good luck with getting unperm'd.
  3. yes please
  4. S T A T U S U P D A T E
  5. wished i wasn't perm'd
  6. not for sale anymore
  7. bye
  8. trust betting is not worth it. u lose some u win some, lose more
  9. happy birthday @mon5t3r :DPEducated:

    1. monster


      try not to threaten people no more

      thx <3

    2. yung matt
  10. wheres the "neither" option
  11. This seems pretty fishy time
  12. I want back my 15seconds from reading this
  13. yung matt

    WTS gear

    How much for those 9mm supp
  14. yung matt


    800k for 2 5.56 supp, if u still have 60 war points
  15. Clothes
  16. I’ll do 400k
  17. wanting to buy several 5.56 supp. tell me how much you want for each one.
  18. 3.8
  19. 4 mil
  20. yes
  21. welcome back dad
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